SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101 Six Things to Discuss With Your Private Tutor Before Hiring

Six Things to Discuss With Your Private Tutor Before Hiring

Undoubtedly, hiring the right private tutor can significantly enhance one’s learning process. However, selecting the right one is the first step to take towards that end. Here are the most important questions you need to check in order to get the most out of home tuition with your Singapore tutor.

Qualifications and experience

The more you know about your tutor’s educational background, the more accurate your choice will be. If you can find out about the universities they studied at and their major, that would be very helpful. You can also ask them if they have any teaching certificate. It is worth noting that it is not always a matter of expertise. Sometimes excellent tutors happen to be the ones who took similar tests as the ones you are going to sit for, or who are more familiar and constantly updated with the same field of study.

Testimonials versus documentation

For some people, previous glowing testimonials from previous students or parents can be enough to make a decision. If the tutor’s history is full of positive testimonials and feedback, than he or she is most likely the one suited for this job. For others, they demand to see relevant documentation, such as academic or teaching certificates. So which one of the two are you?

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Time and lesson management

Teenagers usually can handle one-hour sessions, but if you are a parent looking for a tutor, you need to ask yourself if your child is capable of focusing for a whole hour. If your daughter for instance is not keen on Maths tuition, it could be extremely hard for her to concentrate for that long. In fact, sometimes thirty or forty minutes can be more effective for a child. You might also ask your tutor his or her opinion on this matter. Similarly important, you should also ask about how the lessons are organized and presented, especially if you are a parent. It would give you an idea of how engaged your son would be in his or her sessions.

Homework and assessment

Homework might be helpful for sutdents in Singapore. However, if you think it is unnecessary to add more homework to the workload you already have, your tutor should be aware of that. That way, you would avoid any future misunderstanding. Better yet, why not providing your homework schedule, so that any extra work can be dealt with accordingly. It is also wise to ask your tutor about his assessment method since it tends to vary from one tutor to another.

How to get in touch?

Whether you are a parent or not, it is of utmost importance to ask about your tutor’s availability between lessons. Bear in mind that some of them have no problem getting in touch with them, but others prefer not to be contacted during specific hours, especially when working. Therefore, make sure to write down the most suitable time for them to avoid any inconvenience from both parts.

Feedback preferences

Is feedback important to your progress? Of course it is. In that case, you have to know that some tutors prefer to provide their regular feedback reports in written forms, whereas others may find it necessary to have an extra session devoted especially to discuss your learning improvement. You might also come find tutors who tend to give their feedback immediately after each session. Hence, think carefully of the method you find most appropriate for you or for you kid.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.