SmileTutor Blog Students Study Tips How to Write a Research Paper

How to Write a Research Paper

If you are currently taking your diploma or degree, then I am sure you are familiar with writing a research paper.

Usually, you will write your research paper based on an existing author’s research findings. With an existing published article, you will be able to read the development of the original researcher’s activity.

It is also necessary for further writing a thesis or dissertation.

These are the reasons why a research paper is needed. If you want to learn how to write a good research paper, this guide will be what you need!

Choose a Topic that You Know

When choosing a topic, it is very important to find a suitable scientific problem. Your search should be carried out in the relevant databases and existing publications which you can probably find in your school’s library.

After that, study all the developments and adjust the further course of research.

While researching and finding literature for writing, it is important to get only the best ideas! To do this, use these best brainstorming techniques to help you.

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If you already have a topic and are struggling with writing it, you can ask for help with research paper service. You can get a sample of a research paper on your topic, which will give you a clear understanding of what to write.

However, do note that you should not plagiarize the article! Use it as a reference for you to enhance your research paper writing skills.

Organize your Research Paper

When it comes to writing a research paper, understanding the correct research paper format is very essential. Therefore, make sure you use the correct format before you start.

Here are 5 useful tips that you should follow.

1) The title must be original, concise, and semantic.

2) Your abstract should be between 150-250 words and include a summary of the research.

3) The conclusion should be written after the completion of your project.

4) Introduction should indicate the importance of the topic you are researching and presents the main research questions.

5) References should be arranged according to the rules and in alphabetical order. The references should be placed in the right locations in the article with brackets.

It is also important for you to reread your research paper and correct all the mistakes that you have found.

This is a necessary stage or else your paper won’t get a good grade if there are too many mistakes!

Writing your Results

One of the most important parts of your research paper is your results. Here you present the main findings of your research to your readers.

While the introduction presents the research question and the methods section explains the data collection process, the results section presents the actual data gained from the experiments.

In fact, by presenting your results, it answers the question “what?” (just as the introduction answers the question “why?” and the methods section answers the question “how?”).

This section plays a critical role in highlighting the significance of the study.

This is probably one of the shortest sections, but it can also be one of the most difficult ones.

Your results section shows the relevance of the study, so it is very important that you learn how to write this section correctly.

Discussion Section

Your discussion section should answer the question “what then?” Explain the meaning of the results obtained and how they relate to the research problem you are working on followed by drawing conclusions based on them.

You also need to interpret and explain the meaning of your research findings in the perception of what has already been discussed in the existing literature on the subject.

Remember to explain new ideas about the problem based on your research findings.

Use Scientific Words

What differentiates a research paper from other articles is the presence of scientific terms.

Scientists from different countries have introduced international terms into scientific literature such as marketing, IT technologies, trends, and others.

A research paper is also characterized by using abstract vocabulary and words that are not associated with a specific object: phenomenon, matter, genius, substance, etc.

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The vocabulary of a research paper is a consistent and closed system, as there are few synonyms in it. Informal vocabulary in research paper text is prohibited.

While writing your research paper, it is also important for you to be consistent with your topic.

Consider including graphic images such as diagrams or tables to further illustrate your results.


Of course, we understand that writing a research paper can be a complicated process. So, if you have never written an academic paper, we recommend starting with the easier ones.

For example, try writing a research paper on technology and write a technical essay.

Knowing how to handle a shorter paper can help you get started on writing a good research paper.

If you need additional help, consider engaging a home tutor from SmileTutor. Good luck!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.