SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips Getting Ready for Your GCE O Level Results 2017?

Getting Ready for Your GCE O Level Results 2017?

o level tuition

The GCE O-Level examinations, also known as the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination, is conducted in Singapore annually. The examination is completed by students in preparation to post-secondary education and its results will ultimately dictate what type of post-secondary school students will be able to attend. This can be a Junior College, Polytechnic, or ITE.

As the GCE ‘O’ Level results day draws near, O level students and their parents can become very anxious. This time of year can put a lot of stress on both parents and children. A lot of people receive the results without doing the proper research and understanding what the exam results mean. In order to reduce the level of stress associated in O-Level results; here are 3 things to keep in mind when you collect your GCE O-level results.

Have the Right Mindset and Understand the Facts

The higher you score in the O-Level examination, the better the chances you have to get into any program. If the results are average, there are a number of popular polytechnics that offer excellent programs. If all else fails, there’s still the option of attending a private institution. As you can see, there are several options to choose from regardless of grades. So if, for any reason, your scored lower than expected on the examination, you can be certain that there will still have options to choose from.

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Analyze the Results and Decide on the Next Educational Course

Once you’ve learned your results, it’s time to start making an educational plan. Analyze the results after receiving them. How did you score? Are you on the high end or lower end of the spectrum? Then, analyze the choices for schools based on the score.

What type of institution can you apply with their grades? Are you able to attend a Junior College, Polytechnic, or ITE?

There is not a clear breakdown of what score will get you into what school. Junior Colleges typically accept students based on their L1R5 grades. However, Polytechnics will normally look at individual subject scores depending on what program the student applies to. They may also require for certain subjects to be taken in order to be accepted into a program. For example, you may need a higher score in English in order to get into a communications program, but your Math score may not be as important.

Although it may be hard for 16-year-olds to know what they want, you should still try to think long-term about what kind of career would you want as your institution will ultimately affect your career options.

Research (Like Crazy) and Make Sure You Pick the Right Schools

It’s time to research more about the schools and institutions that you have a chance of getting into. Brainstorm the schools within that category, and find the one that is best suited for you or your child. After finding what type of school you can attend, figure out what are the choices. Which specific institutions can you apply to? What are the modules and courses can you take in these institutions?

There are many choices to choose from. Having low results in your O-levels does not necessarily mean that you will not get into a great school. We recommend thinking and discussing with parents what you would like to do after secondary school. Understanding exactly what kind of career you would like to get into will help you pick the right school.

This can be a difficult time for both parents and children. However, making sure that you do your research will ensure that you will pick the most suitable school after receiving your O level results.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.