SmileTutor Blog General Others Career Opportunities in Physics

Career Opportunities in Physics

Singapore is well-known for our education system and we have a wide variety of courses here. However, sometimes it can be hard to choose a career after we completed our degree. Today, we will be looking at career options with a Bachelor’s of Science in Physics!

Physics covers a broad range of topics such as electromagnetism to quantum mechanics as well as any new scientific discoveries.

With this degree, you can be looking at a few career opportunities that will allow you to use your hands-on,  theoretical, or computational abilities to solve problems!

Let us explore what career opportunities are there for you.


Have you considered teaching physics at universities? I mean, there are so many benefits to becoming a Physics lecturer.

Here are a few:
– Access to space and machinery
– Funds for your own work
– Assistance from other academics and university workers
– Contribute your knowledge to national and international debates
– The possibility of mentoring and influencing future generations of physicists

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If you are interested to further your career as a research professor, look into getting a Doctor of Philosophy or more commonly known as a PhD. Professors are able to attain a higher salary and will be able to teach at all levels from graduate up to professional courses.


Are you captivated by the universe, astrology, and constellations?

Astronomy is closely related to physics because astronomers use the principles of physics and mathematics to learn about the fundamental nature of the universe and its components.

As an astronomer, there are also many fields you can choose to specialise in, so don’t worry if you only want to concentrate on a particular domain.

Here are the various options you have:
– Planets
– Stars
– Galaxies
– Cosmology (the origin of the universe)

Note that there are limited options for career progression in astronomy in Singapore.

Countries like United Kingdom offer great Astronomy courses in their universities such as the University of London! If you have the intentions to study abroad, look into getting accommodation first to make sure it fits your budget.

Nuclear Technician

Prefer a job that supports and assists? Consider becoming a nuclear technician!

Nuclear technicians help and assist professionals (such as engineers and physicists) involved in nuclear research and production.

If you want to pursue this career, expect to work in power plants, offices, and laboratories around radioactive materials.

But bear in mind that your duties vary by their job titles and the location of their jobs.

Your job scope may include:
– Collecting samples to test for radioactive contamination
– Monitor the performance of equipment
– Measure the levels and types of radiation
– Operate and maintain radiation monitoring equipment


Are you organised and tend to focus on the small details? Then this rapidly developing field of physics is perfect for you.

Nanoscience is the study of atoms and sub-atomic particles. So, you’ll be working with tiny molecules!

You also investigate and develop innovative materials, making significant advancements in several fields.

With this career, there are three fields available for you to specialise in Medical, Engineering, and the Food industry.

Here are some of the responsibilities you may have as a Nano-scientist:
– Conducting research
– Executing scientific experiments and testing
– Writing reports

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Surprising, isn’t it? Architecture! Never would have connected architecture to physics, but sometimes, it has been regarded as a component of engineering.

Architecture uses scientific reasoning to streamline the construction process.

It also uses physics concepts to build strong structures that endure the elements and other disasters.

Gaining experience is essential if you want to pursue this course so consider internships and apprenticeships.

If you can study abroad, go ahead! This helps you to see different construction styles and teaching methods too!


A study in physics is very generalised, so you can pursue a specialisation as a career progression.

There are unlimited possibilities out there for you in physics. Still, this article identifies the typical career paths others have taken after graduating.

We hope this article helps you consider your future job prospects with this particular degree. Good luck and all the best for your future endeavours!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.