SmileTutor Blog Parents Teaching Tips Can’t Get Your Child to Study? Here Are 5 Tips to Motivate your Child to Study More.

Can’t Get Your Child to Study? Here Are 5 Tips to Motivate your Child to Study More.


Sometimes, getting your child to study can be challenging. Parents often feel responsible for our children’s future. As a result, we try and attempt many different ways to motivate our children – with little to no results.

Why is it that no matter what methods you use, you can’t seem to encourage your child to study better? What are the methods that are more effective?

This guide will provide 5 informative tips to motivate your child to study better. These 5 tips will not only teach your child to be motivated but also teach you how to influence and inspire your child to study better.

1. Maintain a positive, respectful relationship with your child

One of the keys to being a parent is how you influence your child. Using negative ways like punishing and manipulating your child to do homework will get you nowhere.

In fact, it’s not a healthy relationship to do these things with your child. It’s completely understandable that you feel frustration and anxiety when it comes to your child’s performance in school.

As a matter of fact, how are you supposed to motivate your child to study when you can’t even have a conversation with your child? Therefore, it is imperative to build a connection with your child.

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Create a healthy conversation that encourages your child to express his or her feelings and opinions. Display an expression of positivity and enthusiasm on your child’s interest. That sense of connection between you and your child is powerful and therefore, use it to motivate your child to study.

2. Use Words of Appreciation and Inspiration

Demonstrate appreciative thoughts between you and your child. For instance, when he or she scores a goal in basketball, or did household chores, use words like, “I’m proud of you” or “Thank you”.

Start working towards inspiring your child with words of appreciation. Praise your child and focus more on growth than the outcomes. Encourage them not to give up and celebrate achievements, no matter how small they are. Be patient and confident. Your child will eventually, start to trust you.

3. Create a Study Plan Together

Assist your child to develop a study plan. Get a large calendar to put on the wall, or create a calendar together. Use the calendar to organise your child’s homework, exams and extracurricular activities.

Don’t forget to ask your child’s input in organising these lists. In fact, your child is doing the studying. It’s good to ask for your child’s thoughts and feedbacks. Check in with your child regularly to make sure he or she doesn’t feel overwhelmed.

Moreover, find a suitable study area where your child can focus on his or hers’ studies. Ask your child where is the best place to focus for study time? By all means, involve your child as much as possible in this decision-making, study plans. It will make a difference and motivate your child to study.

4. Utilize Rewards

Studying can be put across as an unappealing activity. In other words, how do you get your child to be self-motivated to study?

Create a strategy where your child will get rewarded after studying. Enforce this approach by saying these things like, “when you finish your homework; you’re welcome to go to Eugene’s house.” Or “when you’re done with your homework, we can discuss how long you can use the iPad.”

Enforcing this strategy in the long-term will create a stable structure for your child’s life. Also, discuss and plan rewards with your child, for example, “when you’re done with your homework, do you want to play your games on PS4 or watch television?” or “when you’re done studying, do you want to play Pokemon Go or use the iPad?”

Give your child the options to choose his or hers rewards and in that way, your child will feel included in this decision-making approach and start to take ownership of their own learning.

5. Demonstrate a Positive Attitude about Learning

What we say as parents can help develop positive attitudes towards learning and school. Show your child that you, as a parent value education.

Tell your child about inspired models and stories that could inspire them to do better in school. Not to mention, spend some time together reading a novel or newspaper with your child. Reading is learning, and that can inspire your child to learn and thus, lead to your child to study better.

Got more ideas on how to motivate young kids to study? Share it with the community!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.