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7 Most Common Topics Tutors Offer

Going through tutorial classes is very helpful for students to do better academically. No matter the age of the learner, from the youngest primary school students, and even up to the college students, they can all benefit alike from having tutorials.

Students also have a higher aptitude towards a more positive attitude for the subject matter, after going through tutorial sessions. Often, being forced to learn in a classroom setting where one teacher’s attention may not work for everybody. This is especially true of students in remote learning situations. Supplementing with a one-on-one tutorial enables the student to catch up and feel more confident in their classes. 

Because of the high demand, tutors now offer classes with almost every subject there is. Parents have so much leeway now to choose tutors with credentials best suited to the learning needs of their children.

Below are some of the most common topics that tutors offer:

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1. Economics

This first subject is for secondary and university students. Economics is a very important subject to understand as it affects everyone’s lives. Once you become an adult, you’ve got to learn to make the right choices regarding economics, alongside politics.

As important as economics is, however, it’s one of the most difficult subjects to study. Hence, having a tutor to help you out can prove to be very helpful. An economics tutor can help you: 

  • Gain sufficient knowledge, through understanding facts, explanations, and definitions
  • Get a deep comprehension of all the materials you’re learning
  • Apply the concepts, principles, laws, and theories

2. Math

Math is another common subject offered for tutorials, simply because of its degree of difficulty. Many students struggle with math. There are a few reasons why that’s the case, including:

  • Attention difficulties. Math problems can be very hard to analyze and comprehend. In a classroom setting, these attention difficulties are hard to overcome, simply because of the size of the students. In a one-on-one tutorial setting, students’ attention span can improve, simply because there are fewer distractions.
  • A deep understanding of previous concepts is very important. Another reason why math can be challenging to learn is that it’s always a continuous flow of all the previous concepts that the student has learned. Hence, if the student doesn’t understand the previous concepts, it’ll be challenging for them to follow through with the next lessons.
  • Some teachers teach to learn the concepts, but not to understand. With math, it’s not enough to simply memorize or learn the concepts. This is where problems with learning begin. The student has to comprehend or understand the concepts so that, regardless of the math problem that they’re faced with, they know how to apply the proper solutions. A tutor can help in this regard, as the one-on-one setting with the tutor helps the student to have a deeper understanding of the concepts, and not just to memorize.

A tutor can help address these difficulties and any others that arise in the classroom. 

3. English

English is another very popular subject for tutoring, especially for students that aren’t native English speakers. Moreover, there are so many English tutors everywhere, both online and physically, given that so many students are also becoming more and more proficient in this language.

Generally, tutors can work with the following areas in English, like:

  • Communication skills
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary

As the student advances in their studies, there are also English tutors that offer very specialized assistance, such as help for proofreading a thesis.

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4. Language

With English above, the focus is mainly on writing and reading. In this section about language, the focus is on verbal communication.

As more students now study overseas, more and more students are also requesting tutors for assistance in speaking English. This involves not just the basics of verbal communication, but also tips and tricks to be a more effective and confident speaker.

With language tutors, apart from English, there are also so many options offered for foreign languages. The most common foreign languages that are asked for in tutorial services are:

5. Science

Science is another popular subject that tutors teach as there are also many students that consider this to be quite difficult. It’s often difficult for students to find peers or classmates within their circle that can help them out with this subject, simply because it entails a lot of comprehension. The most common science subjects taught by tutors include:

  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry

6. Computers and Technology

As more of technology comes into play today, it’s very important for people to adapt and learn how to use at least the basics. Older people may not be as equipped as they should be when it comes to using technology, especially computers.

Hence, computer operations are another popular tutoring subject. You don’t necessarily have to be an expert with computers to offer this subject for tutorials as many students today are mostly interested in learning the basics.

As you offer to teach computer, you can also focus on certain subjects like the following:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Programming

7. Practical Skills

Not all tutorial subjects are focused on traditional academics. There are also those that are more towards practical skills, such as culinary skills.

If you’ve got some skills in cooking and baking, you can offer this subject to all kinds of learners. This can be children, teenagers, young mothers wanting to be better in the kitchen, or even those looking to start a kitchen business.

SmileTutor even offers tutors who can teach sports and music, such as piano, guitar, basketball, swimming etc. Contact us today to find out more.


Tutors can be a valuable resource for students. While learning in a classroom setting is still the traditional way for students to acquire their education, it also isn’t necessarily the best option for every student. There are still those that are better off on a one-on-one setting where they can learn valuable skills more effectively. Hence, supplementing their standard class time with a tutor will generally always do the learner good. If you’re a parent, you may want to review through the subjects above, and check whether or not a tutor is needed.


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.