SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 5 Best Parenting Podcasts for Singapore Parents – To Listen on the go

5 Best Parenting Podcasts for Singapore Parents – To Listen on the go

Parenting is no walk in the park and if you are a first-time parent and always on the go, it can be difficult to grasp your way around it.

Some parents often try to buy parenting books to help them out and there are quite a lot available. However, with how busy parents can be with work and other obligations, these books are often ignored. Others may even find it hard to get through the book since it is very long or complicated to understand.

Fortunately, parenting podcasts are available for parents who are on the go and have no time to read a book. You can listen to them while you are travelling, exercising or doing your chores.

Each podcast can be as short as 5 minutes, with others last as long as 30 minutes. It can also be played through your phone or any gadget you prefer using.

But, since there’s a lot of podcasts available, you can find it hard to find the best ones to try out. Some podcasts don’t talk about sensitive topics like teen rebellion, while others haven’t been updated for a while.

If you are looking for the best parenting podcasts for Singaporean parents on the go, here are our top 5 recommendations:

The Longest Shortest Time

If you want to learn everything you need to know about parenting, especially the sensitive aspects of it, this is the podcast to listen.

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The podcast is hosted by Hillary Frank, who will guide listeners through any topic related to parenting.

When it first started, it mostly talked about how new parents can adjust to their new situation.

She would talk about the fact that these parents are not alone with their struggles and help them get through with it. However, when it grew, it now covers topics about teenagers and how couples should decide on how they wish their family to go.

They even have the “Speed Dating for Mom Friends” special which spanned to three cities so far. This special is still under talks if it will be expanded to other areas.

Aside from Frank, several guests and contributors are also featured in this podcast to help expound on topics. Frank would interview these people and allow them to share their stories.

Each story is unique, but it will definitely tug your heartstrings when you take in each story.

Mom and Dad Are Fighting

While the title is a bit misleading, hosts Allison Benedikt and Dan Kois will help you get around some of the challenges of being a parent. Both of them are parents and have their own families, which gives them a different insight into how they handle certain situations.

In the podcast, they will talk about how they get through the challenges of parenting in a very funny but honest way.

Podcast listeners can even ask them and their guests about their parenting questions and other problems they may have. Sometimes, you will be surprised that they will talk about topics you don’t normally talk about with friends.

Their “Triumphs and Fails” segment is a favourite amongst parents. In these biweekly podcasts, both share how they triumph and fail on certain parenting scenarios.

Of course, there are some sharp statements and occasional cussing in this podcast, which may shock you if you are not used to it.

Spawned with Kristen and Liz

For mommies who want to get some great hacks in parenting, Spawned with Kristen and Liz won’t disappoint.

The hosts, Liz Gumbinner and Kristen Chase, will talk about a variety of topics moms need to know to make their parenting easier. They also invite experts to help talk about pop culture and how it influences parenthood. This is a great podcast for parents with children in kindergarten.

Some of their episodes deal with certain topics that are now common in families today.

For example, their “Oversharenting” episode talks about how parents can limit what they post about their children online.

They also have a special episode for mothers who want to make friends after they give birth. They will even give tips in this episode on how you can recover from losing friends.

Respectful Parenting

If you want to approach parenting differently, Janet Lansbury has the solution for you.

In this podcast, she will teach you how to think through your decisions and situations you find yourself in as a parent. She will guide you through each situation and how you can prevent it in the future.

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She will also dive deeply on sensitive issues like bullying in school, which can be hard to answer for some parents.

Most of her tips inspire parents to respect their children and understand how they regulate their emotions. However, she does point out that there will be times when parents need to set limits if their toddlers are going too far with their actions.

Many would also love Lansbury’s calm narration, which is a big plus if you want to unwind while listening to the podcast.

If you want to dive in further in her talks, you can purchase some of Lansbury’s best selling books on parenting.

Zen Parenting

This podcast is unique because it will help you manage your emotions while you are parenting.

The hosts, Cathy Cassani Adams and Todd Adams, provide a different insight about how parents can work around emotions and logic.

Cathy mostly provides the commentary for parenting with a spiritual approach. Meanwhile, Todd provides a pragmatic approach to parenting.

They will give listeners ways on how parents can achieve a state of self-realization and help them raise happy kids. They also talk about how words and imagery help with parenting.


Even if you are on the go, it doesn’t mean that you won’t have time to learn a thing or two about parenting.

With these podcasts, you will be able to learn things you didn’t know about parenting and apply it to your own style without problems. It may even give you the solution you are looking for when it comes to certain parenting scenarios.

So hang in there, mommies and daddies!

Looking for more parenting advice? Here are some articles for you:

9 Proven Ways to Prevent Tween Behaviour Problems at Home
Key Ways to Help Your Kids Handle Their Emotions


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.