SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips 15 Ted Talks Every Singapore Tutor Should Check Out

15 Ted Talks Every Singapore Tutor Should Check Out

TED Talks is becoming a great avenue for people to learn more about their chosen fields.

These talks often feature industry experts, inspirational speakers and even popular personalities. When you watch these talks, it is like you are back in the classroom because the speakers will give you their take about the topic and inspire you at the same time.

As a tutor, getting to watch these sessions is great, especially if you have a busy schedule or during a lull period. However, with the sheer number of talks available in TED Talks, it can be overwhelming to pick the ones that can help you with your tutoring.

If you want to explore which TED Talks you should add to your to-watch list and inspire you, here are our top 15 picks.

100,000 Tutors

If you want to dabble in teaching with the help of online learning platforms, you need to know how to maximize their benefits. With this TED Talk, it will help you work with online learning tools and help you use it to teach difficult subjects or ideas.

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School Cloud

School Cloud is the brainchild of Sugata Mitra and shows how self-learning is possible even if there is no teacher. He showed how his idea worked by putting a computer in one of India’s poor areas.

He provided all the resources for the locals to learn on their own and encourage them to try it out.

Bring on the Learning Revolution!

Sir Ken Robinson updates his 2006 TED Talk speech with this new program. For this TED Talk, he focuses on how personalized learning is better for students. He argues that a student’s natural talent is given focus by a personalized learning format rather than in a standardized system.

Teacher Feedback

For Bill Gates, he talks about in this TED Talk why teachers need to get feedback from their students. These feedback, he says, will help these teachers hone their craft and expand their skills. He also talks about how technology can help teachers with their lessons and how its use can be promoted.

How to Learn? From Mistakes

For this TED Talk, 11th-grade history teacher Diana Laufenberg shares three things she learnt from being a teacher. She also talks about how teachers can learn from their mistakes and how to use them in their teaching.

Teach Arts and Sciences Together

If you are a science or arts tutor, this TED Talk is for you. Astronaut, dancer, doctor and art collector Mae Jemison shares her views on why educators should focus on teaching arts and sciences together. She views it as an important way to help build bold thinkers in children.

Let’s Use Video to Reinvent Education

In this TED session, Salman Khan shares how he started Khan Academy.

The site is one of the internet’s most trusted education resource sites, featuring videos and other interactive exercises to teach math and other subjects. He shows how valuable these interactive resources are for a student’s education. He also calls for teachers and tutors to see the value of these tools in their lectures.

Once Upon a School

This TED session talks about how educator Dave Eggers understood why education is so valuable and how he inspired others to help out. He also showed how his tutoring centre, 826 Valencia, inspired education in his area.

Tales of Creativity and Play

The talk centres on Tim Brown’s analysis of how creative thinking and play can be combined and developed. He showed several examples of how these two can help with education, as well as how it can inspire creativity even in adults.

Play is More Than Just Fun

Stuart Brown shares in this TED Talk that play isn’t just here to help anyone have fun. He explains how play helps people become healthy and happy. He also argues that play is important in life and how it can help change one’s behaviour.

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Math Class Needs a Makeover

Dan Meyer argues in this TED Talk that today’s math curriculum is no longer allowing students to formulate their own problems. He shows several examples of how students can formulate problems and know how to solve them.

Let’s Raise Kids to be Entrepreneurs

For this TED Talk, Cameron Herold pushes for parents and teachers to encourage their children to explore their passion for business. He also points out why parents should not hire tutors for their kids just for their weak subjects. These tutors should also be able to help kids expand what they know about the things they love.

The Call to Learn

In this TED Talk, Clifford Stoll talks about how one can be drawn to learning and at the same time, fall into odd tangents. He also believes that kindergarten teachers are the ones who can say if a child will be able to succeed or not.

How Games Make Kids Smarter

For Gabe Zichermann, games have the potential to help kids become smart. His TED talk debunks the argument of how games and gadgets are bad for kids and show how they benefit kids. He also provides examples of how a child’s cognitive ability is assisted by games.

What We Think We Know

Finally, culture and educational media expert Jonathan Drori talks about how ideas come into our minds and why it is too difficult to get rid of them when you think about it in this TED Talk. He points out how these ideas can be understood and learnt from by students and how to get negative ideas out of one’s mind.


It is not bad to learn something new if you are a tutor since education constantly changes to support new studies and tools.

With these TED Talks, you will definitely be able to get ideas on how to improve your tutoring sessions and help you with your students. Of course, don’t stop with these TED Talks once you watch them because there are a lot more out there that can help you hone your skills further.

For more resources to help you to become a better tutor, check these out:

Amazing Productivity Apps for Tutors That Will Keep You Organized
10 Best Free Tutoring Resources for Singapore Tutors


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.