SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 10 Reasons Why Kids and Teens Should Learn To Code

10 Reasons Why Kids and Teens Should Learn To Code

Believe us, kids and teens are actually great at learning to code. All thanks to the summer training coding lessons, tutors, websites, programs and toys which have made coding easy to learn.

Learning code right from a young age gives kids an upper hand while choosing their career in future and open gates to an ample of opportunities. Here’s why you should make your kids and teens learn to code.

1. Coding is Widely Used

Computer programming is essential. As most of the jobs involve the use of computers, understanding what goes on behind it is essential. Therefore, learning to code is like getting aware of how the life around us works.

2. Instills Better Problem-Solving Skills

Coding is the process of finding solutions and rectifying the mistakes thereon. It also involves breaking big problems into smaller pieces and then acting upon them. To be able to do this efficiently is a skill in itself. It enhances the general problem-solving skills of your child.

Through coding, kids and teens understand that mistakes are part of the learning process and as they start turning their mistakes into codified results, they begin to enjoy the process.

3. Coding Enhances Creativity

Coding provides kids a platform where they can awaken their ideas and thoughts. Creating their own mobile app, video game, and website boosts their creativity. They can express themselves better and imagine creating their own app by putting their thoughts into it.

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4. It is Essential for Strengthening Academic Skills

Coding involves the knowledge of various math topics like algebra, arithmetic, geometry and might also involve trigonometry and calculus at higher levels. Thus, if your kid excels in trigonometry, calculus, and algebra, coding can be of great help to them.

5. It Enables Better Concentration and Focus

Coding has been repeatedly proved to be beneficial in retaining attention and focus. Being a task of deep thinking and utter concentration, coding enables kids and teens to stay focused and work with deep concentration.

Coding propels kids to keep cracking the codes and mastering them, executing them without errors so that they can launch their own customized software.

6. Coding Makes One Patient and Adds to Perseverance

Initially, kids and students get disinclined towards studying computer science when they face bugs and find it difficult to decipher them.

Students gradually get to know that errors and bugs are part of learning new things as they move further to high level coding. Working over on it for hours, trying to locate errors and bugs requires tremendous patience and perseverance but once it is solved, it gifts you with a high level of satisfaction. This keeps them going and keeps their patience high.

7. Coding Adds to the Confidence of Your Kid

There were times when coding was regarded as a real nerdy and uncool thing. It was considered as a hobby of nerds with round spectacles around their eyes. The scenario has quite changed now and coding is considered a thing of smartness and something similar to possessing superpowers.

When teens come to know that their favorite pastimes like YouTube, Pinterest, Minecraft are all the result of coding and software development, the knowledge of it won’t hurt them. Once they are keen on developing or develop the skill of building real-time games, apps, and software, they will take pride in themselves and this boosts their self-confidence.

8. Coding is Easily Grasped When Young

Just like any other language like English, Spanish, French, coding is an art which is easily grasped and learned when you are young. This might be because they are starting from the scratch and have ample time to work on it. Moreover, as it is put to practice daily, it becomes much easier for kids to grasp it.

9. It Provides a Competitive Advantage

According to statistics, more than 65% of the kids will end up taking up jobs that don’t even exist at present. The majority of new jobs will constitute the use of technology and technical skills and thus, students having at par knowledge of computer science will have a better stand than those who don’t.

Since coding is basically the knowledge most of us lack, having it on the tip of your hands will automatically provide you an upper hand while getting admission in university and after that, at the time of applying of jobs.

10. Coding is Fun

Coding is an extremely creative activity where you can develop your own apps, videos, games and much more. When we were kids, we were taught coding which enables us to print HELLO WORLD on the screen, now the techniques of learning are much more advanced and fun at the same time.

Students are now introduced to more interesting basic courses like making custom modifications for Minecraft, coding their drone, building a 3D game and alike. For many, it’s like an addiction to see their coding come to life after hours of debugging it.

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Wrapping Up

To sum up, making your kid learn to code is highly recommended. But do not force your kid to learn to code. What we mean is – if your kid is really interested and inclined towards coding, you should encourage it happily and without a second thought.

Further, introduce your kid to coding, and hire a computer tutor if needed. Gauge the interests of your kid, and then take the things ahead.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.