SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 10 Questions to Ask in a Parent-Teacher Conference

10 Questions to Ask in a Parent-Teacher Conference

Have a problem of how to put questions during a conference between parent and teacher?

The education at the school of children is one of the things that parents care most about. And the most effective way for parents to get all things of their children’s schooling is the conference which is organized only once a school year.

If you are confused of how to make questions during a parent-teacher conference, you are in the right place. Now, I’m going to bring out some suggestions about this problem that I think they will help you.

Questions To Ask During A Parent-Teacher Conference

1. Is my child doing communally in the class?

This question is the most important. By asking this, you will find out a lot of things about your child such as if they are a bully, being bullied, outcast, … Thence, you and the teacher can find solutions together.

2. Does my child express his/her emotion in the class?

By asking this question, you will know if your child’s emotional health was good or bad. Did they express their emotion or hide it?

3. What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?

If you know about their strengths, you can encourage them to do their best. Besides, getting their weaknesses will help you to strengthen your child in that subject.

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4. Do you think that my kid needs extra helps in school?

Maybe this is not a subject teacher want to talk about, but you need to ask as a parent. You need to know what your children need and help them get it.

5. Do my kids do their best?

No matter if your kids are good students, you have to ask if they put forth their best effort or not. Does the teacher think that your child is not focusing or unconcerned?

6. Do you have any class policies that I should know?

Some teachers are very strict, but some are not. You have to ask if they make policies in the class. Make sure that you remember them, so there won’t be any conflict happened.

7. Can we make some goals for next term?

Thanks to this question, you and the teacher can together make a plan for your children to have goals. A teacher can quickly help them to achieve their goals at school.

8. What can I do for my child?

If you ask this question, the teacher will see that you are invested in their education. And teachers can have valuable information and skills to help you reinforce learning that happens in the classroom.

9. Do you have any advice for me?

The teacher has a lot of advice to share and he/she is willing to help you get a better way to teach and understand your children.

10. How to make contact with you?

Ask him or her about phone numbers, email address, … to get in touch with! So you can ask them questions about your child anytime.


I just have shown you ten questions that I found they are important. Before you have a conference with your children’s teacher, you should make a list of questions that you will ask.

Have a conference with a good mood. If you feel comfortable and positive, both of you and teacher will have a sweet talk.

Pay your attention to the conference with sincerity. The teacher will see that you care about your children. Therefore, the teacher can easily tell you everything without hesitance.

Being a good listener, you need to focus on what the teacher said. If necessary, you can take notes them.


If the conference has an excellent result, you will feel it’s easy to support your children. Besides, you and the teacher can simply interact with each other to help your children.

Finally, thank you so much for reading my whole post. I hope it will help you. Have a good day and see you soon!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.