SmileTutor Blog Tutor FAQ How do I get tuition assignments?

How do I get tuition assignments?

SmileTutor receives over a hundred new tuition assignments per day and we publish all tuition assignments in our SmileTutor Assignments App (download from iOS or Android Playstore). We send out push notifications via our mobile app primarily. Occasionally, we also send out jobs via SMS/WhatsApp to suitable tutors who have registered with us. If you receive an invitation from us, you may apply directly through the link given to you. Tutors are highly recommended to download our mobile application.

You may also visit our Tuition Assignments page where you can view all our current available assignments and apply from the online portal as well.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.