SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Keep Your Child’s Eyes Healthy! Beat Myopia With 6 Simple Tips!

Keep Your Child’s Eyes Healthy! Beat Myopia With 6 Simple Tips!

Myopia is a huge problem in Singapore, we all know this. After all, short-sightedness can be easily caused when our children are blind-sided by their studies!

Whether it be long nights doing late revisions, or keeping their eyes glued to laptop screens; you may be even more alarmed to find out over 65 percent of children are myopic when they reach Primary Six!

Like a snowball effect, eye conditions get bad quickly when you’re not keeping it in check. You don’t want to eyeball your child’s worsening vision if they’re at risk of myopia at an early age!

What Causes Myopia (Under 1 Minute!)


A child’s eye naturally grows alongside the changes in their bodies. But excessive growth is what causes myopia. You see, most people are born farsighted. But these eyes slowly adjust to create what we consider as normal vision. 

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Myopia is created when this adjustment phase overstays its welcome, causing you to become short-sighted instead.

Let’s explore six practical tips to keep your child’s eyes healthy and ward off eye problems at an early age!

1. Limit Screen Time


The first and most obvious cure is prevention

No matter if they’re in school or they’re cozy at home, our children occupy most of their time with reading, writing and other activities that involve a whole lot of close focus!

But hey, don’t discourage learning OR fun completely for the sake of preventing myopia. Boundaries are important, but healthy habits are more important!

You’ll want to help them practice a good eye health routine to manage the strain in their eyes. 

Reduce the time spent on near work, such as the use of computers and mobile devices, reading and writing.

2. Encourage Regular Breaks


Next you’ll want to give your child regular reminders to take breaks from near work, so that they can relax their eyes. Let the eye fatigue wash away for 20 to 30 minutes.

Every 20 minutes, you can have them look at an object or greenery 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds, before resuming (it’s the 20-20-20 rule!). Disengaging their eyes regularly this way helps more than you think!

3. Actively Go Outdoors


Couple your frequent breaks with some exposure to natural light. Soaking yourself in sunlight helps lighten up your child’s eyes. Have them go out to play, take a walk around the park to have a freshener. 

Always make sure to pair a long study session along with time to go out for some outdoors fun!

4. Ensure Proper Lighting


Of course, when you’re indoors, make sure everything is well-lit up and conducive for near work. Maintain adequate lighting! When it comes to digital screens, adopt “light mode” displays in well-lit environments, and “dark mode” when your child’s surroundings are not as brightly-lit.

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Always adjust the light in their surroundings to ensure minimal glare to their eyes.

5. Adopting the Right Posture


The right posture also contributes to how well your child can handle or prevent myopia! The best  posture would be for your child to sit upright while reading and hold the reading material 30 cm away from the eyes. 

Computer screens? Sit 50 cm away!

6. Promote a Balanced Diet


Food actually plays a part in eye health too! Studies have compiled some of the more common nutrients that are friendly on the eyes, such as: 

  • Vitamin C: Oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, tomatoes
  • Vitamin E: Nuts, sweet potatoes, vegetable oil
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon, tuna
  • Zinc: Red meat, oysters, shellfish
  • Lutein & Zeaxanthin: Broccoli, corn, peas, tangerines

Healthy food, healthy diet, and a healthy vision!

What If My Child Already Has Myopia?


When your child’s at a stage with signs of bad vision, you can maintain it through the use of spectacles, or eye drops that target myopia control. 

Prescribing the Right Lenses

If glasses are needed, take point on a few considerations before you and your child decide on their first pair!

Decide on the lens thickness and style (it’s nothing fancy, but you want your child to like something they’ll wear for a long time!).

Choose from a material of carbon fiber, metal or plastic as the texture and weight is dependent on what you settle on.

Ensure the right fit on the nose bridge and temple style by arranging a physical visit down to your local optician.

Schedule Regular Eye Check-Ups

Have your child visit the eye care professional once every six months to help monitor your child’s vision and detect any issues early on. This is also to check if their myopia is worsening and a change in lenses is required.

Ensuring a Bright Future


Incorporating these simple yet impactful tips into your child’s routine can significantly contribute to their long-term eye health

The likeliness of your child developing myopia can sometimes be determined by their parents. But most of its development is actually affected by how they use their eyes!

Remember, we can’t change our kids’ genes, but we can take steps to ensure that we’re doing the best we can to keep them healthy!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.