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9 Tips For Learning A Foreign Language

One of the ultimate ways to communicate with people around the world is to learn a new language. There’s still so much more to the world’s linguistic island than becoming fluent in English or your native language.

Learning other languages can enrich your life in ways you can’t even conceive too.

A lot of people have embarked on the journey of learning a new language, and each of them has their own reasons for doing so.

Some do it because they’re planning to study abroad or they want to be exposed to the aspects of other cultures, while others simply want to boost their self-esteem and feel good about themselves after mastering it.

Whichever situation you’re in, mastering another language is a challenge. And, to get through the challenge, you might need some tips to gain your end.

With that said, here are a few helpful tips for mastering a foreign language!

1) Engage in Conversations with Native Speakers of the Language

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If you want to learn a language quickly, have conversations with people who speak the language better than you!

For example, suppose you want to study Japanese, conversing with Japanese people will not only help you learn a few words but will also teach you how to pronounce each word correctly.

If you have a tutor or a foreign friend whom you seek help with in learning the new language, try your best to only converse with them in that language. This can help you pick up the language faster and help you in improving your conversational skills.

Additionally, you’ll be more motivated to learn the language if you’re talking to a real person instead of just reading a book or listening to an audio program.

2) Keep In Mind Why You Started

You may be reading this article for tips and all, but do you really know why you want to learn the language? Because if you do, it’ll be much easier to master it, knowing that you have a specific reason to feel motivated about learning.

However, if you don’t, you may face more difficulties since you have no idea what or where you’ll use the language for.

Motivation can be tricky, especially if you have no reason to be. Without motivation, you’ll likely run out of stamina quickly.

3) Set Learning Objectives

You can begin by setting a goal like, “By the end of this day, I’ll know how to greet and introduce myself.  Then, I’ll learn how to ask simple questions the next day.” As easy as that.

When you do and learn things slowly, you’ll less likely get lost in your way to mastering that language.

4) Accept That You Make Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes; nobody’s perfect! If you find yourself mispronouncing words or committing grammatical errors, that’s perfectly alright.

Don’t sweat it—after all, humans make mistakes. Just learn from those mistakes and keep learning.

5) Carry A Pocket Dictionary With You

A handy dictionary can make a more significant difference than you might think. Whether it’s a book or a mobile application on your phone, it’ll be beneficial, especially if you live in a foreign land or study in a foreign school.

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Aside from that, if you have a dictionary on your phone, you can look something up in just a matter of seconds. This could have a positive impact on your ability to engage with people.

6) Begin By Learning A Hundred Basic Words

Starting with a hundred of the most common words is another step that can help you get further down the path to fluency.

Are you wondering why you should only focus on the most common words?  The reason behind this is because it’s impossible that you’ll ever use all the foreign words that you have learned.

Take for instance when you speak your native language—in truth, you can already hold a good conversation with only 20% of the words you know.

This is a simple language trick that will save you time. Rather than focusing on the rarely used terms, concentrate on the most commonly used words in the new language you’re studying.

7) Concentrate On Becoming More Conversational

Once you’ve mastered a hundred of the most commonly used words, the next step is to focus on becoming conversational. The first few hundred words can already get you a long way.

They can help practice your grammar, phrases, and idioms, including creating ideas, puns, and ideas in the foreign language.

If you’re finally able to steadily formulate your own words in the new language, then it could be an indication that it’s time to broaden your vocabulary.

8) Use The Language On A Daily Basis

Keep using the language. Revisit the 100 common words and phrases you just learned by immersing yourself in the new language.

Do things like changing your phone’s language, listening to podcasts while you’re commuting, or watching movies or videos that are in the language you want to master. You see, the Internet can be your friend when it comes to learning a new language.

9) Have Fun

To keep doing something, you must find a way to enjoy it. Mastering a foreign language could also mean meeting new people, going to events where you can converse with others while having fun, and being willing to share a few things about yourself.

While you’re learning, don’t forget to make your life fun too. Else, you’ll be in for a long, dull, and tiresome process of relearning the things you’ve learned.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these pointers will be helpful to you as you embark on your journey to learn a foreign language. However, it won’t be easy. As previously stated, it’ll be a real challenge.

But, as long as you persevere and remain motivated, you’ll eventually achieve your goals and savor the fulfillment that comes with them.

Regardless of how difficult it is, try to make learning fun and exciting, because it can be!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.