SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips 10 Best Free Tutoring Resources for Singapore Tutors

10 Best Free Tutoring Resources for Singapore Tutors

Like school teachers, tutors want to help our students learn and succeed in school. We would study every subject, devise a lesson plan that our students will understand, and ensure that they will enjoy each session.

Sadly, some tutors find it difficult to expound on their lessons because they do not have the resources. Fortunately, there are now resources online that tutors can now use for their classes for free.

Here are 10 of the best tutoring resources you can use to help you tutor your students better:


YouTube is well-known for being a video hosting site where one can share videos to the rest of the world. But, did you know that you can actually get good educational videos in its database?

Educational videos and tutorials are available on YouTube. With these videos, it can help you explain difficult concepts that books cannot explain completely.

Presentations vary per video so you will need to pick the right videos to use for your classes. Some videos even come with captions and notes to help students review the topic after the video.

Check out these channels:
The Brain Scoop

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Every tutor must know how to organize their lessons to make it easy for students to understand. Some may even use a corkboard to organize ideas or write outlines to structure everything together.

With Padlet, your students will be able to pin ideas on a virtual ‘corkboard’ and organize their work. They will also be able to create a library of sorts to organize their lessons and be able to understand them better.

National Geographic

National Geographic is well-known as a magazine that features natural science and other related fields. But, for those who cannot purchase the magazine on their favourite bookshops, the publication does have a website version.

The website also features the same content and even has extra content that will make any lesson interesting. It also has a kids version, perfect for young students.


Every student has a learning preference that tutors must be able to utilize.

If the child prefers visual mediums, tutors must provide graphs and pictures in their lessons. If the child learns from listening, podcasts are a resource you should use.

Podcasts come in various topics depending on what you are looking for. Each podcast also varies on how they discuss the topic and how long they are. As a tutor, you can use parts of these podcasts to support your lessons or help the students review on their spare time.


Scholastic is one of the world’s most popular publishing companies, especially educational books.

As part of their efforts to educate young minds and assist teachers alike, their website is filled with useful resources.

You can get photos, worksheets and other similar content for any subject you need through their site.

BBC History

BBC is one of Britain’s most trusted broadcasting organizations and they have worked on countless content on a variety of subjects. BBC History showcases the company’s dedication to discovering the history and sharing it to the world.

BBC History’s site contains articles and videos that are well-produced and documented. No matter how old your students are, they will be able to enjoy the website. BBC History even has a kids section where kids can engage in fun activities that will help them enjoy learning history.

Discovery Kids

Aside from National Geographic, Discovery Channel is also a popular company that features a wide variety of content about the world.

In their Discovery Kids website, they have sections for all subjects which kids can explore. The site also has games, pictures and videos to better explain the topics.


If you want your students to learn in a way they will enjoy, you need to be able to create the perfect lesson plan. But, if your student is facing an exam week, you need to create a lesson plan that will cover everything in a short period of time.

Brainscape is a special website that allows users to create flashcards. Flashcards are perfect for memorizing facts and with the site, you can help your students review faster than ever. Your students can even save these flashcards for later use on the app, which they can revisit anytime.

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If you want to help your student become a better essay writer, you must be able to proofread their work thoroughly.

With GradeProof, you simply have to upload the essay and the website will review it for you. It will identify every error that is in the essay and indicates how it could be corrected.

As a tutor, you can use GradeProof’s results to explain to your student why these errors must be avoided. It will also help you teach essay writing techniques that students can apply in the future.


Notebooks are essential to every student because it is where they can write their lessons. But, it can be tedious to bring a lot of notebooks around, especially if they are reviewing.

With Evernote, your student can organize their notes in different notebooks through one app. The notebooks in the app can even be shared with other users, which is perfect if you want to help your students organize their notes better.

iTunes University

When you hear about iTunes, you would first be reminded of the program where you can organize and play your favourite music. But, iTunes actually has a lot of varieties and one of them is iTunes University.

This part of iTunes provides audio content that focuses on academic subjects. It is similar to podcasts; but, these audio files are presented by teachers and experts.

Normally, these audiocasts are recommended for older students; because they focus on advanced courses. But, it is a good resource for students who are taking their achievement tests.


As a tutor, it is important that you utilize all the resources available to make your lessons interesting and informative to students. With these tutoring resources we cited above, we are confident that you will be able to reach your goals to help your students succeed.

We have a lot more resources for our tutors, check out these articles:

Tutoring Strategies to Support Student Introverts
6 Unforgivable Mistakes Math Tutors Make – Teach Math the Right Way!


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.