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Advertising Media Kit or Guest Blogging (Write for Us)

Thank you for your interest in advertising / contributing an article on SmileTutor.

Our blog has garnered over 12,400,000 impressions and 514,000 clicks over the past 12 months alone!

Posting on our platform will give you maximum visibility and traffic. It will also help your website improve its SEO. All articles published are  also circulated via our social media channels and newsletters (over 30,000 subscribers).

If you’re a local education establishment (private schools, tuition centres etc.) and would like to find out more about our advertising options, you may email [email protected] for our media kit.

For websites who want to contribute a guest post or insert links, below are our guidelines.

Our Guest Blogging Guidelines

-Article must be 1,000+ word long, ghostwritten in conversational style as Rum Tan, our founder
Topic must be Education or related to Parenting/Tutoring/Lifestyle and in Singapore Context
Target audience must be Parents, Tutors, or Students residing in Singapore
-Written in fluent, conversational US-style English (not UK-style) with no grammar or spelling errors
-Must have at least 3 good quality suitable images, with credit given if images are not royalty-free. Persons in the images should be Asian-looking (not caucasian-looking) to fit into the Singapore context.
1 permanent Dofollow link is allowed to contributor’s site. This link cannot be in the first section of the article. Linked resource must be relevant to the article topic.
-Include at least 3 internal links to SmileTutor’s related articles
-Include at least 2 links to relevant content from authoritative, non-commercial website (high DA/DR)
-Articles must be 100% original and unique

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Please check your articles carefully and follow all guidelines. Please note all articles published will be in ghostwritten format, but credit can be given at bottom of the articles if required. Articles that don’t meet the above guidelines will be rejected.

If you’re interested to contribute content, please propose a suitable topic (or a few topics) to us at [email protected].

Our Link Insertion Guidelines

If you have a valuable content page which you believe can value-add to our readers by adding a link on our articles, you may propose it to us.

Please choose a suitable existing anchor text if possible. If there is no suitable anchor text, you may propose a slight revision to include a descriptive paragraph with anchor text that blends perfectly with the existing article.

1 permanent Dofollow link is allowed to contributor’s site
-We are able to link to websites with a wide range of niches. Education-related websites are preferred, but not compulsory.
-The proposed linked resource must highly relevant to the anchor text and to our article topic as well
-The proposed linked resource should not be purely of commercial nature, and should have high quality, relevant content on it
-Your website must be of good quality and must not contain any spam, inappropriate (e.g. gambling) or illegal content, and must be in English
-Link insertion cannot be in the first section of the article.
-Local (Singapore) websites are welcome to explore our Media Kit packages

If you’re interested to suggest link insertion opportunities with us, please propose the article link(s) and anchor text to us at [email protected].

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.