How I am paid for the tuition lessons?

19 December 2018

Tutors will not be paid for the first 2 weeks of lessons as these are the commission fees charged by SmileTutor agency on the tutors....

Will I be paid in advance?

19 December 2018

You will not be paid in advance. All payments are made only after the requisite lessons have been conducted AND after the agency commission is...

How will I paid if the lessons were terminated within the 1st month?

19 December 2018

If you, the tutor, decides to drop out of the assignment (without a valid reason such as illness backed by evidence) before completing at least...

How is the agency fee calculated for short-term assignments?

19 December 2018

Short-term assignments are defined by students who only require a fixed number of lessons until a certain exam date (usually less than 8 weeks of...

How should I conduct my lessons?

19 December 2018

You are allowed to conduct your lessons in your own preferred way, in accordance to the student’s needs.

What if I need to purchase materials for the lessons?

19 December 2018

Purchase of study materials such as revision books is up to your discretion. If you would like to be reimbursed for any purchases, you should...