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8 Secrets To Gaining Credibility As A Tutor

When teachers and parents work together, a child’s educational success is very much improved. Good credibility and reputation is an important component of your tutoring career. Having an excellent reputation and good credibility will ensure you build a flourishing tutoring career. Lack of both these elements, parents and your students will not have a good nature on you. Your being a great tutor may be hard to explain to students and parents but evidence can actually get you on their good side. To help you get started in building and running a booming tutoring business. Below are secrets that will help you promote yourself and gain the trustworthiness as a tutor.

Know Your Worth

Despite your having many years of experience, you could be better or just as good as someone who has better credentials and more experience. Whether you are great as a tutor, you will need to start acting so and others will get to know it too.

By providing a valuable service, you will build your credibility and help create a stable business stream. It’s good to note that students look for tutoring to get good grades in their studies. Your dedication to tutoring your students will be similar to your credibility. This will provide them with all the learning capability that will earn you a good name.

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Keep in mind credibility and reputation take years to earn but can be lost in seconds.

Don’t Undervalue Yourself

A good tutor will charge a fee higher than $20 an hour. As a tutor charging a third of what a Sylvan tutor charges, will signal your potential customers that is what you may be worth. In no way should you mix up the quantity with quality. Even though parents may go for a tutor who offers lower fees, they often go for the quality of education their child gets.

Once stable and you have more students, you need to consider raising your tuition charges. This strategy is often used by most successful tutors to help claim their career. Your success results will build a name for you.

Trumpet Your Virtues

Do not hesitate to let people know what a great tutor you are and be ready to back it with proof. This is important especially when you are starting out. Tell people about your tutoring business. The more people know about the services you are offering, the higher the likelihood of getting a referral from people who know your friends.

Build a unique culture that is in your teaching style, flexibility, accountability, actions, loyalty, and competence. These virtues need to be imposed on both the students and teachers. This way the collaboration will become your unique culture; your signature.

Be Assertive

When you act confident in your expertise, parents and students will have no choice but accept you. On the other hand, when you act apprehensive, unsure or tentative of yourself, then gaining trust and credibility from your potential customers and students will be rather difficult.

It is important for you to be trustworthy. This will, in turn, build a good name for you in the area you are based in. parents and your students expect to get quality education form their teacher.

Expose your skills, experience and subject knowledge as the first thing for your students and parents to see.


Once you have given people your credentials, then you better be ready to back it up with action s and proof. Its one thing getting your services out there and getting hired, the other is getting to deliver. In the process, you will get more new customers through referrals and have the current ones hire you again.

To ensure that the follow-through is effective, you can have interactive activities for students and parents. This will set you apart and show your customers that you care. Be open for questions from both the students and parents, then you will be able to address their concerns and get feedback from them.

Manage Expectations

Have an outline of the things your customers will get and your set time that you will be able to deliver. This way you will earn their respect when you promise a student getting a B and they end up having a B+. This is better than if you promise a good grade but the student ends up getting their previous low grade.

You can give the student extra practice exercises than what other tutors do. This way you are better able to manage and facilitate feedback from your previous students who got really good grades. The more feedback you receive the more you build your reputation.

Manage Your Student

You can not always be in your student’s good graces all the time as their tutor. You will need to ensure your students understand what is expected of them and demand they deliver on their part.

Ensure that the students finish their homework that they study and prepare properly for their exams. And importantly that they ask for extra help from their teachers. A comfortable environment will inevitably ensure students get quality results even then you need to consider the results. This is because parents will judge you based on the successful results you have got.

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Manage The Parents

When you allow the parents push you around, you won’t earn their respect. They will actually be testing you to see whether you are cut to the task. When parents ask for updates after each session, let them know that you will give progress reports each month. When they demand to have quick results, inform that you will follow your teaching plan and for proper results to yield it will need time. When you stand up for yourself, the parents will certainly respect you more.


Good credibility and reputation is an important component of your tutoring career. Whether you are great as a tutor, you will need to start acting so and others will believe it too. Do not mix up the quantity of quality but ensure you deliver. Let people know what a great tutor you are and be ready to back it with proof. And even then be sure to manage your students and parents and the expectations they have for your services.

If you want to know more about how you should improve as a tutor, here are some articles for your reference:

7 Steps to Give Better Tuition Assignments
3 Tips to be an Effective Home Tutor for Primary School

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.