SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 6 Things You Can Do For Your Kids During The Year End Holidays To Prep Them For 2018

6 Things You Can Do For Your Kids During The Year End Holidays To Prep Them For 2018

The holidays at the end of the school year are the longest period for children. There is no school for at least a month, and they are all excited to be at home and play, eat, and just have a nice time. However, it is necessary that the children are prepared for when the new school year begins, and this would mean giving them lessons at home during the holidays, which they might not want.

Prepping your kid during the holiday for the new school year has to be done in a creative and fun way, a way that will keep the child engaged in studies, while still being fun and not detracting them from the holiday mood.

Engage A Tutor To Prep Them For Next Year’s Syllabus

Hiring a tutor to prepare your children for the next year’s syllabus is a good way to keep them prepared for their studies when school resumes. A new school year means a different class, and tutoring will make them get a feel of what they will encounter the school term resumes.

Tutoring also exposes your children to different curricula, giving them more exposure and more knowledge than they may acquire from a traditional school setting.

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Engaging a tutor in teaching your kids is also a great idea for revising their last school year’s lessons. The tutor can revise their past lessons with them, making corrections and explaining confusing concepts to the children. Revising the past year’s lessons is a way of paving the way for the next year’s lessons.

Run An Overview Of Next Year’s Timetable Schedule

The tutor should give your children an overview of the next school year’s timetable. Knowing what to expect makes it easier for them to do well in their studies when they resume school. The timetable will typically feature the subjects they will be taking, the periods they will be taking them in, their break times and Physical Education periods, and the rest of their school activities.

This brief overview of the next school year’s timetable prepares them mentally on what to expect when school resumes. Using this timetable, or a lighter, revised version of it, to tutor the children during the holidays will also be of great help in prepping them when school reopens.

Exposure To Other Learning Classes

Expand their horizons with other cool subjects that they might not be taking (or they could be taking them in the new school year). Classes like speech & drama, writing, and music are a necessary part of a child’s learning process and exposing them to these classes and let them explore their creativity using different methods. Plus, these classes can be very fun and stimulating, so that they won’t even feel like dragging their feet for the additional classes.

Other learning classes can be as unconventional as having quizzes, solving puzzles, or playing dodge ball, or having a math class in the yard. Teach them things they are familiar with, but differently, so as to give them a whole new experience with learning.

Bring The Kids Overseas And Use It As A Learning Lesson

Travelling with your children can also be a learning lesson for them. Take them overseas and use the experience to teach expose the kids to geography and new cultures.

A trip to Africa would be an eye-opener for your children, showing them different races of people, or different colours, ethnicities, religions, and nationalities. Use the wildlife present there to show them practical examples of what they only see on TV or in books. The vegetation and the weather will also form an entire subject for them.

Taking your children overseas is probably the easiest way to get them to learn while on holiday, and they will enjoy it immensely.

Create Opportunities To Socialise With Their Peers From Other Schools

Sleepovers are a fun way to get your kids to meet with other kids and socialise with them, though this may be limited to children that they know. Summer camps are another a great way for your kids to mix with others from different schools and neighbourhoods, and get to learn about them and see the differences in upbringing and in schooling. Socialising with peers is an informal way of learning that has a great impact on children, on how they think, how they behave, and on their perspectives about certain issues.

Summer camps are another a great way for your kids to mix with others from different schools and neighbourhoods, and get to learn about them and see the differences in upbringing and in schooling. Socialising with peers is an informal way of learning that has a great impact on children, on how they think, how they behave, and on their perspectives about certain issues.

You can organise parties where other parents can come with their children to attend, thus getting your children to meet and greet and make new friends.

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Get In Touch With Mother Nature And Turn It Into A Learning Lesson

Nature is said to be the best teacher. Take your kids outside, let them experience nature, and let them learn from it.

From nature, they can know the differences between salt water and fresh water, and what animals inhabit each habitat. From nature, they can properly understand the process of photosynthesis, and let them see how plants get their food and how they provide us with oxygen.

Learning from nature also lets them see the dangers that face it, such as deforestation, pollution, and global warming. Climate change becomes more real and close to home when your children are outside in it and seeing the effects for themselves. Getting in touch with nature teaches them to appreciate it more, and teaches them the importance of recycling waste and non-biodegradable products; teaches them the importance of trees and afforestation, and educates them on how protecting the environment also protects us as humans.

By the time school resumes, your children will feel rejuvenated, refreshed from the long break, and hyped about getting to test out what the have learned during the holidays in their new class.

They will have a lot of stories to tell their friends and would have made new friends on other schools, widening their social network, increase their knowledge and level of exposure. All in all, you would have provided the best holiday for your children, giving them lots of fun days while prepping them for the new school year.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.