SmileTutor Blog General Others 4 Super-Fun Online Games You Can Play For Free With Your Friends

4 Super-Fun Online Games You Can Play For Free With Your Friends

With face-to-face interaction still at a minimal level, online multiplayer games can help to virtually sustain the bond you have with your friends and prevent you from getting bored out of your wits.

Here are some online games that you don’t even have to download to enjoy!


Kahoot! is well known as an educational tool used by teachers to conduct quizzes in class and check their students’ learning. However, you can also create fun out of it with your friends! 

You can test how well you know each other and get to know your impressions of one another by asking questions like these:

  • Who is not going to survive a zombie apocalypse?
  • Who has the best taste in music?
  • Who is the kindest?

You could also take turns to test which of your friends knows you best by asking them questions about yourself!

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Guiding examples:

  • When is my birthday?
  • What is my favourite colour?
  • What is my favourite sport?

Players who can answer fastest with the most correct answers will win!

Wing It!

Screenshot from Night Owl Cinematics

You can conduct this simply with PowerPoint slides or Google slides. It’s a fun and laugh-inducing activity!

Take turns to create a deck of slides that consists of random, unrelated texts and visuals which will make the presenter flustered and at a loss of how to present. The concept of this game is for the presenter to literally ‘wing it!’. 

The presenter will not see the deck of slides beforehand and has to present as they go. 

Watch your friends practice quick thinking and hold in their laughter!


Spyfall is a game of suspicions and betrayal. Among the 4 to 10 players, there will be one spy who will get a location different from everyone else. 

The spy has to try and guess the location that everyone else has, fit in and not get caught. During the game, the spy can mark out the locations that he thinks is not the answer, based on the answers that everyone else gives.

In order to figure out the spy, everyone will take turns to ask each other questions about the location. There are also suggested questions that you can ask.

The other players will try to figure out who has suspicious answers and who the spy is.

This game will expose your best and worst liars!

For most of us, we lost touch with drawing and our artistic expressions ever since we grew out of our childhood. rekindles your love for drawing with a draw-and-guess game. 

Players will take turns to be the drawer. The drawer will be given choices of what they can draw. You can customise the words before the game starts.

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The rest of the players will guess what the drawing is supposed to be by typing their answers in the chatbox. 

The number of letters will be given as a clue and as the round progresses, the letters of the word will be exposed, one by one.

The fastest player to guess the correct answer will obtain the most points, making the game exciting and competitive. Play alone with random people from all over the world or create a private room with your friends, of up to 8 players. 

You can also customise how many rounds you want and how long each round lasts.


Games are a great way to get the conversation going and relieve stress. Have fun playing these games, safely!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.