Looking for English Tuition in Singapore?

    SmileTutor’s English tuition has a remarkable track record of helping your child exceed expectations in English. Kickstart your child’s progress today by engaging our English tutor in Singapore.
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    • SmileTutor Blog English Tuition

        #1 English Tuition in Singapore

        • 15,000 Specialist English tutors who love teaching English Language
        • Home-based tuition and guidance with English tuition at home
        • Effective English tutorials prepared by our private tutors
        • Syllabus-compliant English tuition for primary school and above
        • 2x more effective than enrolling in an English tuition centre
        • Affordable English tutor hourly rate from $20/h
      SmileTutor Blog English Tuition

      Looking for English Tuition in Singapore?

        SmileTutor’s English tuition has a remarkable track record of helping your child exceed expectations in English. Kickstart your child’s progress today by engaging our English tutor in Singapore.
        SmileTutor Blog English Tuition
        Online Request Form

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        Slots Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
        Please input all your available timings to increase your chances of finding a tutor. (Example: Mon 6pm onwards, Wed Thurs 4pm onwards, Sat before 1pm, Sun whole day)


        Q: What are the types of tutors available?

        To simplify things, we group our tutors into three main tutor categories:

        Part-Time Tutors – refers to private tutors who doing it part-time. Most of the tutors here are still schooling: A-level graduates, Diploma students/graduates, or Undergraduates. To a lesser extent, there are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time and they fall under this category. Part-time tutors are the cheapest option for home tuition in Singapore.

        Full-Time Tutors – refers to full-time private tutors who teach as a profession. Full-time tutors may/may not be university graduates but often have significantly more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes. The actual qualifications and experience of a full-time tutor can vastly differ between individuals, hence so does the tuition rate they command.

        MOE/IB/IGCSE School Teachers – refers to ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools. Tutors under this category tend to be the most experienced and qualified in private tutoring and thus command the highest tuition rates. Be prepared to pay a premium in order to engage these teachers successfully.

        Q: Do I have to pay any agency fees?

        A: The agency commission is deducted from the tutor fees. This means you do not pay anything extra agency fees – our services are essentially free as long as clients follow and act according to our terms and conditions.

        For instance, you must facilitate the process for us to claim the commission on the tutor. SmileTutor’s agent fee on the tutor is generally 50% of the 1st month of tutor fees. Once the assignment’s details such as schedule, rate, and first lesson is confirmed, our tuition coordinator in contact with you will send you an official invoice via email with the confirmation and payment details. You will transfer this amount to us directly.

        Q: What if the tutor is not suitable after X number of lessons?

        A: You may inform the coordinator at any point after the first lesson if you feel that you wish to cancel the tuition. You will be required to pay for the lessons conducted but not anything more!

        However, note that once you have confirmed the assignment to book the tutor in quote, there is a binding contract to complete one full lesson and you may only request a change of tutor or terminate the tuition only after that 1st lesson. If you decide to change your mind before the 1st lesson even commenced, the fee for the unfinished first lesson may be charged as an administrative fee.

        Q: Can I change or cancel my tutor if I am not satisfied with the current one?

        A: Yes, of course. If the provided tutor does not meet your needs, you may simply inform the tuition coordinator in contact with you regarding the cancellation or request a change. We will promptly make the necessary arrangements. Do note that you are still required to make payment to SmileTutor for all lessons already conducted.

        Q: How do I make the payment?

        You may make a bank transfer via ATM, ibanking or Cheque. Upon confirmation, payment details will be provided in the official email invoice sent to you. If you have any doubts, you can always contact us directly.

        Please note that for all payments, it is your responsibility to ensure that the bank receipt is kept as proof of transaction made via cash deposit transfer. Please also ensure that you notify the agency upon transferring for verification.

        Terms and Conditions

        1. Introduction

        These Website Standard Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) written on this website shall manage your usage of SmileTutor’s website. The Website is SmileTutor Pte Ltd’s ownership (hereinafter referred to “SmileTutor”, “we”). By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You should not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.

        Please read these Terms and Conditions attentively. Your access to and usage of the tuition service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms are applied to all users, visitors and others who access or use this Website. You agree that using the Site as the visitor, viewer or registered member, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older. If you are between thirteen (13) and eighteen (18), you have parental permission to enter into an agreement to accept these Terms and to use the tuition services.

        2. Description of website services offered

        Through our Services, we enable students or their parents to connect with tutors for arrangements including but not limited to, private tuition at home, tuition in public places, group tuition, Skype tutoring lessons, or homework help.

        All visitors of our site, whether they are registered or not, shall be considered as “users” of the contained Services provided for this Terms. Once individual registers for these Services, through the process of creating an account or requesting a tutor, the user shall then be considered a “member.” There are two types of members; “Client” – a customer, who hire tutor from SmileTutor; “Tutor” – a person, registered in SmileTutor’s Website and providing tuition services.

        The user and the member acknowledges and agrees that Services provided and made available through our website are the sole property of SmileTutor. At its discretion, we may offer additional website Services or renew, change or verify any actual content and Services, and this Agreement shall apply to any and all additional, updated, altered or revised Services unless otherwise specified. SmileTutor does hereby reserve the right to cancel and cease offering any of the Services mentioned above. You acknowledge, accept and agree that SmileTutor shall not be liable for any such renewals, changes, revisions or terminations of any of Our Services and products. Should you not agree to the, updated, overviewed or changed terms, you must stop using the provided Services immediately.

        The user and member, as well as the client and the tutor, understands, acknowledges and agrees that Services offered shall be provided “AS IS,” and such SmileTutor shall not assume any responsibility or obligation for the timeliness, missed lessons, etc., any other wrong actions, communication or personalization settings.

        3. Registration, member account, security, username, and password.

        To register and become a “member” of the Website, you have to be in good standing and not a person who has been previously barred from receiving our services.

        When you register, SmileTutor may collect information such as your name, birth date, gender, race, occupation and personal interests. It is due to client’s preferences. There is no violation of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore.

        Users who wish to register with SmileTutor are required to provide accurate, valid, complete and current information about themselves as prompted by registration forms provided. You agree to update your information should there be any changes, in order to keep registered information actual, complete, true and accurate. If you provide information that is not accurate or updated, we may terminate your access to the Website and our Services. We are not responsible for any failure in providing the Services, which result from information that is not true, accurate, current and complete.

        SmileTutor reserves the right to use your registration information for it’s intended purpose, for instance posting a tutor’s profile in public for attracting clients or sending it to prospective clients directly. Or, for instance, providing the contact number of a client to a tutor who has arrived at their doorstep. Nevertheless, your personal information would not be public. Such information as your name, password, telephone number, date of birth, etc. should not be public, as it is private one. For full information, look at our privacy policy.

        When you create an account, you are the sole authorized user of your account. You shall be liable for the preservation of the secrecy of your password/login and for all activities that transpire on/within your account. You are liable for any actions or omission of any user(s) that access your member’s profile information that, if undertaken by you, would be deemed a breach of these Terms and Conditions. It shall be a responsibility to notify SmileTutor immediately any unauthorized access or use of your password and account or any other breach of security. If you ever find out or suspect that someone accesses your account without authorization, you are advised to inform us immediately. SmileTutor shall not be held liable for any loss and damage arising from any failure to comply with this term of use.

        4. Rates, Commission, and Payment

        All currency references are in Singapore dollars (SGD). You shall be responsible for payment of all levies, duties or taxes that are imposed by taxing rules for any payment or fees you may collect through using our services.

        Tuition rates listed on our website are merely guidelines. The exact price for tuition services may differ depending on client’s requirements, market conditions, availability of tutors, etc. The tutors can establish rates by themselves. But the final decision concerning price shall be accepted by confirmed agreement of both parties via an official confirmation invoice sent by SmileTutor.

        Clients shall pay the invoice and inform SmileTutor within three days of the due date. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the bank receipt is kept as proof of transaction made through cash deposit transfer.

        Tuition rates agreed upon should not be changed unless clients and tutors mutually agree. SmileTutor reserves the right to claim its commission based on the original agreed upon tuition rate.

        In most cases, we will collect the conducted tuition fees directly from the client (sometimes, we also collect payment from tutor) and will then subsequently resolve any payment issues owing to the tutor. Thus, for cancelled tuition arrangements, clients are required to deal directly with the agency. If clients decide to pay the tutor directly and bypass the agency, clients shall be made liable to SmileTutor for the commission amount if we fail to collect our commission from the tutor, in addition to any administrative fees incurred by the agency in collecting the fees.

        In general, tutors shall not collect the agency commission from the client directly. If they do so, they shall inform the agency immediately. At notice by the agency, they shall make payment to the agency in full within 3 days. Tutors, who fail to follow these instructions, shall be liable to pay the full amount of payment and additionally, administrative fees, incurred by the agency in collecting the payment from the tutor.

        SmileTutor reserves the right to change commission due to non-fulfillment of tutor’s obligations or other reasons. Clients are liable to pay tuition fees for all attended lessons, regardless of how satisfactory the lessons were. For more information – read the website.

        Refunds may be made to the client’s bank account in case of violations of terms because of the tutor’s fault, or other reasons. Client can be additionally charged for improper or unfulfilled payment obligation. SmileTutor warns about this with messages.

        If there are disputes or concerns regarding tuition fees between tutors and clients, we will provide assistance, to our reasonable means, to help tutors to claim fees from clients and vice versa. However, SmileTutor shall not be legally responsible for any payment disputes between tutors and clients. Clients shall inform the agency and the tutor (if the client has the tutor’s contact) if a postponement or cancellation of any lesson is needed. If the tutor is only informed less than two hours away to the start time of the lesson, clients shall be liable to pay for the loss time and transport cost to the tutor. The amount payable will be 50% of 1 lesson. The client shall pay this amount in cash immediately on the tutor’s next visit or via bank transfer to the tutor if there is no more next visit. Cancellations or postponement of lessons shall not affect our commission amount.

        5. Essential provisions relating to the relationship between the client and the tutor

        •The client may request a replacement tutor or cancel at any time after the first
        lesson, but will still have to pay the attended tuition fees to SmileTutor.
        •The tutoring period is usually stated clearly as we arrange the tuition assignment.
        In the event that the tutoring period is not specified, all parties should be prepared to commit for at least 3 months.
        •There is an unspoken agreement to complete minimum 1 lesson upon tutor confirmation. If clients decide to cancel after 1 or more lessons for any reason, only conducted lessons shall need to be paid for and SmileTutor will refund any the remaining fees paid in advance. However, for cancellations before first lesson has even commenced, clients will be liable for administrative fees no less than the equivalent of the first lesson fees which must be paid by the due date specified in the invoice.
        •Clients shall inform the agency and the tutor (if the client has the tutor’s contact) if a postponement or cancellation of any lesson is needed. If the tutor is only informed less than two hours away to the start time of the lesson, clients shall be liable to pay for the loss time and transport cost to the tutor. The amount payable will be 50% of 1 lesson. The client shall pay this amount in cash immediately on the tutor’s next visit or via bank transfer to the tutor if there is no more next visit. Cancellations or postponement of lessons shall not affect our commission amount.
        •The tuition schedule and the date and time of the first lesson shall be fixed and hold to.
        Clients are allowed to renegotiate the schedule with tutors. Any changes in the frequency of lessons in the first 4 weeks of lessons must be made known to SmileTutor. SmileTutor may adjust commission under such conditions.

        6. Termination

        SmileTutor expects all tutors and members to conduct themselves appropriately in a professional and ethical manner.

        General rules include, but are not limited to:
        -Do not be late and always deliver a full tuition session.
        -At least two days’ notice if a change of timing is needed, unless due to sudden sickness. MC must be provided.
        -No physical and verbal abuse will be tolerated. (e.g discouragement, scolding etc.)
        -Regular communication with parents to keep them updated of progress

        As a member, you agree that SmileTutor may, without any prior written notice, immediately suspend, terminate, discontinue and/or limit your account, any email associated with your account, and access to any of our Services. The cause for such termination, discontinuance, suspension and/or limitation of access shall include, but is not limited to:
        1. any breach or violation of our Terms and Conditions or any other incorporated agreement, regulation and/or guideline;
        2. by way of request from law enforcement or any other governmental agencies;
        3. unexpected technical or security issues and/or problems;
        4. any extended periods of inactivity;
        5. any engagement by you in any fraudulent or illegal activities
        6. the nonpayment of any associated fees that may be owed by you
        7. unethical conduct
        8. poor performance

        In addition, you agree that any and all terminations, suspensions, discontinuances, and/or limitations of access for cause is made at our sole discretion and that we are not responsible to you or any other third parties with regards to the termination of your profile, associated email address and/or access to any of our Website. Furthermore, you agree that SmileTutor may cease operations at any time.

        The termination of your account may contain any and/or all of the following:
        a) the removal of any access to all or part of the Services offered within SmileTutor;
        b) the password deletion and any and all related information, files, and any such content that can be associated with or inside your account, or any part of thereof;
        c) the barring of any further use of all or part of our Website.

        As a member, you may also terminate or cancel your profile, associated email address and/or access to our Website by submitting a cancellation or termination request to us via email 7 days prior to termination date.

        7. Limitation of liability and indemnification

        SmileTutor does its best to ensure that all information on the Website is accurate. If you find any inaccurate information on the Website, please let us know by sending an email and we will correct it, where we agree, as soon as practicable.

        As we mostly rely on information submitted by users online, we cannot guarantee the qualifications and other information about our tutors. SmileTutor does its best to provide accurate tuition services. However, no one is secured from human error, for example, in case of error in tuition rates/address via SMS confirmation or invoice, etc.

        SmileTutor gives no warranty or assurance about the content of the Website. As the Website is under constant development, its contents may be incorrect or out-of-date and are subject to change without notice. While we make every effort to ensure that the content of the Website is accurate, we cannot accept liability for the accuracy of all the content at any given point in time.

        SmileTutor makes every effort to ensure that its computer infrastructure is a virus- and error-free but does not warrant that any content that is available for downloading from the Website does not contain viruses, infection or other code that has destructive or contaminating properties. You are responsible for carrying out sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security verifications) to gratify your particular requirements for the accuracy of information output and input.

        Neither SmileTutor nor any of its employees, sub-contractors and agents shall be liable to you or any other party for any loss, demand, damages or claim whatsoever (whether such loss, demand, damages or claims were known, foreseeable, or otherwise) arising in connection with or out of the usage of the Website or information, materials or content included on the Website.

        SmileTutor will try to provide clients and tutors with the best match possible, but due to varying factors, we cannot guarantee good results. While SmileTutor will try to resolve conflicts between tutors and clients, we hold no legal liability for problems and disputes that arise. Neither SmileTutor nor any of its employees, sub-contractors and agents shall be responsible for any quarrels, clashes, crime, which may happen between the clients and the tutors when they realize the tuition services.

        In no event shall SmileTutor or any of its employees, sub-contractors or agents be liable for any indirect or consequential damage or loss including, without limitation, any;
        •loss of actual or anticipated profits (including loss of profits on contracts);
        •loss of revenue;
        •loss of business;
        •loss of opportunity;
        •loss of anticipated savings;
        •loss of goodwill;
        •loss of use of money or otherwise
        •loss of reputation;
        •loss or damage to or corruption of data,
        and whether or not advised of the possibility of such demand, claim, loss, damages or loss and arising in tort (including negligence), contract or otherwise, to the fullest extent that is allowed by law.

        The Website provides hypertext links to other sites operated by other services. The usage of such a links means you are leaving the Website. SmileTutor takes no responsibility for and gives no warranties, endorsements, guarantees or representations in respect of, linked sites. We are not liable for the privacy practices, nor do we accept any responsibility in connection with the information of, such websites, including those of our group entities, which will in some cases have their privacy policies tailored to the particular business practices and educational sectors in which they operate.

        We are not a publisher of content supplied by third parties and users of the internet. Any offers, services, statements, advice, opinions, or other content that is available by third parties, including information of providers, or users, are those of the authors or distributors and not of us. We do not necessarily endorse nor are we liable for the accuracy or reliability of any content made on the Website.

        The information on the Website is not directed to address your particular demands. Such information does not constitute any form of recommendation or advice by our service and is not intended to be relied upon by you in creation (or refraining from creation) any specific educational, or other, decisions. You should take your advice and make specific inquiries and independently verify any information before relying upon it.

        At the request of clients or tutors, we may need to specify gender or race preferences in the jobs or marketing messages we send out via various communication channels This is purely due to clients’ or tutors’ specified preferences and not the agency’s initiative or intention. We are fully supportive and cooperative with TADM guidelines. We do not encourage or condone any form of bigotry or racism – clients that request for specific gender or race are expected to provide valid reasons (for instance, if they are not able to be home to supervise their daughter thus preferring a female teacher for safety reasons)

        You agree to defend, hold and indemnify harmless SmileTutor, its directors, agents, officers, employees, and third parties, for any costs, losses, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable fees) relating to or arising out of users use of or inability to use the Site or services, any user postings made by you, your violation of any terms of this contract or your breach of any third parties rights, or your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. SmileTutor reserves the right of assuming the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by a user, in which event the user will fully cooperate with SmileTutor in asserting any available defenses.

        8. Intellectual Property Rights


        The Website’s owner and its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials involved in this service. You are admitted to the site only for using the material displayed on this Website.

        As a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant to SmileTutor that you will not use the Website for any reasons that are illegal or prohibited by these Terms. You may not use the Website in any manner, which could disable, overburden, impair, or damage the Website. You may not attempt to obtain any materials or information through any methods that are not available or provided by our service.

        All content that is a part of the Site, such as images, logos, graphics, text as well as any software used on the Site, is the property of SmileTutor and is protected by copyright and other applicable laws. You agree to follow all copyright and other proprietary notices or other limitations that are in any content and will not make any changes thereto.

        You will not publish, modify, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, or in other way use any of the content, in whole or in part, found on the Website. You are not entitled to make any unauthorized use of any protected content, and in particular, you will not delete or change any proprietary rights or attribution notices in any content. You have to use protected content solely for your personal use and do not let any other persons use the described content without the prior written permission of SmileTutor or the copyright owner. You agree that you do not acquire any ownership rights in any protected content. We do not grant you any licenses, implied or expressed, to the intellectual property of SmileTutor or its licensors except as expressly authorized by these Terms.

        9. Restrictions and obligations

        Some areas of this service are restricted from being access by you and may further restrict access by you to any areas of this service at absolute discretion. Any user ID and password you may have for this Website are confidential, and you must respect confidentiality as well.
        You warrant that you will follow, without limitation, all applicable international, national and local laws and regulations concerning your usage of the service and not inhibit the usage and enjoyment of the service by other users or with the operation and management of the Website.

        You shall provide accurate, authorized, complete, and true information when providing materials or information on the service, including, without limitation, information required to be provided through SmileTutor Website’s registration form. This includes any certificates, documents, or photos that you upload to our website or send to us or any of our coordinators via various channels. If you submit any inaccurate, false, unauthorized, incomplete or untrue information or you do not meet our criteria as a member, SmileTutor reserves the right to terminate your use and access to the Website temporarily or permanently. You warrant that you will not impersonate any others, whether actual or fictitious, when using the service, or defame or otherwise harm any party through your use of our service.

        SmileTutor also reserves the right not to provide services for clients or tutors without reason. Accessing the Website is forbidden from territories where the Service or any Content is illegal; you are responsible for compliance with local laws.

        •fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
        •the tort of deceit; or
        •any other liability which may not be limited or excluded by law.

        10. Website Rules and Conduct

        The Service is available only for your own personal, non-commercial use. You shall not use the Service for any purpose that is prohibited by these Terms of Use, including:

        You shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) either (a) take any action or (b) post, submit, link, upload, download, to or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content on or through the Service, that:
        •infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, a right of publicity or another right of any other person or entity;
        •is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortious, obscene, offensive, or profane;
        •involves commercial activities and sales without SmileTutor’s prior written consent such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, or pyramid schemes;
        •impersonates any person or entity, including any employee or representative of SmileTutor.

        You also shall not (directly or indirectly):
        •take any action that may impose or imposes (as determined by SmileTutor in its sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on SmileTutor’s (or its third party providers’) infrastructure;
        •interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activities conducted on the Service;
        • bypass any measures SmileTutor may use to restrict or prevent access to the Service (or other accounts, networks or computer systems connected to the Service);
        •Reverse engineering the Service
        •decompile, reverse, decipher, disassemble engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any software code or underlying algorithms of any part of the Website, except to the limited extent Singapore or other applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction;
        •translate, modify or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Service; or
        •distribute, lease, copy, rent or otherwise transfer any or all of the rights that you receive hereunder.

        SmileTutor reserves the right to remove any content from the Website or another feature of the Website at any time, for any reasons or no reason at all.

        You shall abide by all copyright notices, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Service. You shall not license, rent, publicly display, adapt modify, sell, create, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly perform, publish, edit derivative works from, or otherwise exploit any content or third party submissions or other proprietary rights not owned by you:
        (i) without the consent of the respective owners or other valid right and
        (ii) in any way that violates any third party right.

        You can, to the extent the Website expressly authorizes you to do so, copy or download Content, and other items displayed on the service for download, for personal use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other similar notices contained in such Content.

        Deleting your Account affects all data associated with that account and any services you use. You understand that all your notes and information will be deleted.

        Please be aware that the service or other features of the Website may contain, or direct you to services with content that some people may find offensive or inappropriate.

        11. Use of communication services

        The Site may contain chat areas (blog), news groups, communities, forums, calendars, personal web pages, and/or other message or communication facilities created to enable you to communicate with the public at large or with a group (communication services). You adhere to use these communication services only to send, receive and post material and messages and that are proper and related to the particular communication service.

        By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that when using a communication service, you will not: harass, abuse, stalk, threaten, defame or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others; post, distribute, upload, publish any inappropriate, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful material, information, name or topic; upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy of publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents; advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any business purpose, unless communication service specifically allows such messages.

        SmileTutor has no obligation to monitor the communication services. We do not control or endorse the content, messages or information found in any communication service and, therefore, SmileTutor specifically disclaims any liability in the matter of the communication services and any actions resulting from your joining in in any communication service. Managers and hosts have not authorized spokespersons of SmileTutor, and their views do not necessarily reflect those of SmileTutor.

        SmileTutor reserves the right to review materials posted to a communication service and to remove any materials in its sole discretion. We have the right to terminate your access to any of the communication services at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever.

        12. Arbitration

        If the parties are not able to overcome any dispute between them arising out of or concerning service’s Terms, or any provisions hereof, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise at law or in equity for damages or any other relief, then such conflict shall be overcame only by final and binding arbitration or a similar arbitration service selected by the parties, in Singapore. The arbitrator’s award is final, and judgment is to be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction. If any legal or equitable action, proceeding or arbitration arises out of or concerns these Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall is entitled to recover its costs and reasonable fees. User agrees to arbitrate all disputes and claims in regards to these Terms or any conflicts arising as a result of these Terms, whether directly or indirectly, including Tort claims that are a result of these Terms and Conditions.

        13. Modification of Terms

        SmileTutor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or substitute the Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to scan the Terms periodically for modifications. Your continued usage of the Services following the posting of any modifications to the Terms will be subject to the new Terms.


        Unless otherwise specified herein, this contract constitutes the entire agreement between you and SmileTutor concerning the Website, and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written, between the user and SmileTutor with respect to the Website. A printed version of this agreement and any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or be relating to this agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. It is the express wish to the parties that this agreement and all related documents be written in English.

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        English Tutor in Singapore Reviews

        Hear it from the students we have helped over the years

        My child was happy with Ms Lubna’s teaching yesterday and she would like to continue with her.

        Mrs Jackson

        My English is not good but with the teacher and tuition lessons, I am now so much better in English, reading, writing and knowing phrases. My tutor is very good in making English easy for me to relate to.

        Mr Chen Xu

        Appreciate SmileTutor team for giving my daughter such a good tutor. Her English is horrible but the tutor corrects her mistakes and make sure she puts in effort all the time.

        Mdm Shafiqal

        I took lessons from SmileTutor to prepare for IELTS English test. I have learnt so much at home with my tutor, and I am now confident in talking English outside. I am very happy with SmileTutor.

        Ms Fiona

        English Tuition: Rated 4.6 by 1,186 parents.

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        Hours: 9 am – 8 pm (Monday to Sunday, including PH)

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        Lowest English Tuition Rates in Singapore

        Choose your
        Tutor Category
        and Level
        Part-Time Tutor
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        School Teachers
        Pre-School (Nursery, K1-2) $25-35/h$35-45/h$50-60/h
        Lower Primary$25-35/h$40-45/h$55-70/h
        Upper Primary$30-40/h$45-55/h$60-85/h
        Lower Secondary$30-40/h$45-50/h$60-85/h
        Upper Secondary$35-45/h$45-60/h$65-95/h
        Junior College$50-65/h$70-90/h$100-130/h
        IB (Primary Years)$35-45/h$45-55/h-
        IB (Middle Years)$40-55/h$55-80/h-
        IB (Diploma)$55-70/h$70-100/h-
        IGCSE 7-11$35-55/h$50-90/h-
        Adult Language$35-50/h$50-80/h-
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        Full-Time Tutor
        School Teachers
        Pre-School (Nursery, K1-2) $25-35/h$35-45/h$50-60/h
        Lower Primary$25-35/h$40-45/h$55-70/h
        Upper Primary$30-40/h$45-55/h$60-85/h
        Lower Secondary$30-40/h$45-50/h$60-85/h
        Upper Secondary$35-45/h$45-60/h$65-95/h
        Junior College$50-65/h$70-90/h$100-130/h
        IB (Primary Years)$35-45/h$45-55/h-
        IB (Middle Years)$40-55/h$55-80/h-
        IB (Diploma)$55-70/h$70-100/h-
        IGCSE 7-11$35-55/h$50-90/h-
        Adult Language$35-50/h$50-80/h-
        In a hurry? Let us call you back.

          Is your child having a BAD TIME with English?

          Challenges with English

          Your child can’t afford to have issues with English. This is because English is arguably the most important subject in Singapore since it is the #1 medium of instruction in all levels of education and business. But, students struggle in Math and Science just because they don’t have a strong background in English.

          For Junior College students, one of the most difficult subjects to score an A in (or pass) is General Paper (GP). Yet, GP is compulsory for university admission!

          If your child is not proficient in English, or you want them to aim further and score that elusive A, then you should waste no time in enrolling them for private English tuition Singapore.

          Our Solution

          Private English tuition has numerous advantages:

          • One-to-one help:Benefit immensely from extra study help from our English home tutors who bring value-added lessons which are not obtainable in school.
          • Adaptive pace:Every student is unique and would gain immensely from Singapore English tuition that goes at their own pace and time, which our tutors do.
          • Individualized lesson plan:Receive English tuition based on sections your child is struggling with and not some one-size-fits-all approach to learning typical in classrooms
          • Maximized learning outcome:Our home English tutors give their best for each tuition class to achieve results they can show as proof for future engagements
          • Convenient study:Our Singapore English tutors travel to students instead of the other way round, and students get to save time and money that would have been spent commuting to and from tuition centres for English
          • Preferred choice of tutor:Nothing beats receiving study help from a tutor that understands the student’s peculiar needs and knows how best to help out

          Succeed with your study goals via the expert assistance of exceptional English tutors in Singapore. Join SmileTutor’s 40,000+ satisfied students who are shining in English.

          English Tuition in Singapore: The Help Your Child needs

          We are here because we want to help your child master the English Language.

          Outstanding English Tutors Singapore

          It’s also why we have brought in an outstanding team of best English tutors Singapore who are eager to do all it takes to see that your child masters English from primary up to JC levels.

          Allow SmileTutor to provide a private English tutor Singapore who would sit with your child, gauge their current level of English skill and work with them till they gain mastery in the subject. With us directly instructing them, you can relax and watch them catch up with and outshine their peers in the use of English Language.

          Supercharge your child’s mastery of English. Get them the actual help they need to excel in the subject.

          Results-based English Tutorials

          SmileTutor’s passionate and subject-savvy teachers in Singapore are poised to help your child excel in English Language so they can go on to become successful, sophisticated citizens. Our tutors are thorough and are committed to seeing your child overcome all the hurdles standing in their way of mastering English.

          A private English tutor Singapore can enforce a results-based learning approach to achieve substantial improvement in your child’s English grades over time. The individualized approach and attention you get cannot be compared to what English tuition centres offer.

          Don’t waste any more time. Get your child the English tuition they need to compete favorably with their peers now and in the near future.

          English proficiency is difficult to attain

          Social media and the inherent ‘Singlish’ culture make it especially difficult for Singaporeans to attain mastery in the proper use of English Language. Today’s younger generation prefer to use slang language for their day to day communication. This is so mainstream that English teachers now complain that students use ‘Singlish’ in doing their English assignments. Because of this, parents are often encouraged to make it a rule for their children to speak in proper English at home.

          • Is your child struggling to differentiate between proper English and ‘Singlish” in their official writing for school work?

          • Has English Language affected their performance in other subjects where a good command of English is needed to do well?

          • Is a lack of English skills preventing them from presenting their ideas in a coherent and sensible manner?

          Tackling English Masterfully - All You Need to Know

          Why do Singaporean students tend to struggle with doing well in English? We believe that one of the main reasons is because unlike in subjects like Mathematics and Science, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to language exams. As a result, many parents are confused as to what ‘method’ to use to teach English to their child.

          English in SingaporeIn a subject like Maths for example, parents can ensure that their child understands each of the topics individually such as Geometry, Algebra, and Problem Sums. However, the ‘topics’ in English is much more unclear. Where do we start? How do you know which areas does your child need help in, and which skills does your child lack that will prevent them from doing well in their English examinations?

          Checklist for English Language Skills

          English Oral Skills:

          1. Can your child read aloud a piece of text fluently with clear articulation and accurate pronunciation?
          2. Does your child use appropriate variations in tonality to express the right emotions?
          3. Does your child stutter or have any speech impairments?

          English Writing Skills:

          1. Does your child write with proper grammar and use appropriate punctuation?
          2. Does your child have a wide range of vocabulary and spell words correctly?
          3. Can your child write in various sentence forms, with varied structures?

          English Listening Skills:

          1. Can your child listen effectively to spoken English and understand the ideas and context?
          2. Can your child form acccurate judgement and opinions after hearing?
          3. Is your child able to pay attention and listen intently if the story is long?

          Each of these segments are essential as your child will be tested in their Listening, Writing, and Oral skills through different English exams throughout their school life. Below, we will elaborate on each academic stage your child will go through in Singapore:

          The Primary Level – Do You Need A English Tutor for Primary School?

          Primary English.jpgParents often wonder if English tuition for primary school is needed, especially those with younger kids who are in P1 or P2. When their kids reach upper primary, most will start to panic and engage an Singapore English tutor for P5 or P6 in hopes that their child can do well in PSLE.

          Do realize that English is a quarter of your child’s PSLE score and cannot be ignored. Also, as it is not a math and science, there are no shortcuts to doing well in English. A strong foundation needs to be built from young. It is best to encourage your child to form a reading habit from as early as 7 years old. It is recommended that you engage a private English home tutor for them starting from Primary 1. In the early years, the tutor can simply focus on reading stories and cultivating the interest in English in your child, which is crucial.

          By starting early, your child will gain an interest in English and have more confidence in listening, writing, and speaking. Also, they’ll have much more vocabulary which will be very important to do well in English examinations later. Getting a good English tuition Singapore primary school tutor is definitely worthwhile especially at rates starting from $25/h.

          The Secondary Level – English Tutor for Secondary School

          secondary english tuitionWhat if my child is already in secondary school? You may ask. Well, as the saying goes, it’s better late then never. Secondary school English tuition for secondary 1 can help your child greatly as this is where English exams really get much harder. English assessments such as: Editing, Situational writing, Free writing, Visual text analysis, Narrative text and Non-narrative text are not easy without a good English tutor in Singapore to guide your child along. Needless to say, Secondary English tuition for Sec 2 is also important as well.

          Learning how to write Personal Recount and Reflexive Essays is not hard with a good home tutor. Our Singapore English tutors are trained in the MOE English syllabus, and will not only be able to provide a structured lesson tailored to your child’s needs, but also teach your child secret techniques on how to do well – for instance, breaking down the different types of comprehension papers and how to answer them using various answering techniques such as the LJEC technique.

          By engaging Secondary English tuition, you are giving your child the best chance to improve their English quickly with the right 1-to-1 guidance. Doing well in secondary school will help your child to enter good polytechnics or junior colleges. If your child is in Secondary 4 or 5, SmileTutor has experienced tutors to teach English tuition O level as well, with rates starting from only $25/h for part-time tutors. You absolutely must not neglect Secondary school English tuition.

          English Tuition for IP Students

          English Tuition for IP StudentsWe also offer English tuition for secondary school students who are in Integrated Programme (IP) schools. It is important to find a tutor who has experience teaching students from IP schools as the tips & techniques to ace English exams at the IP-level can be quite different.

          Since students mostly do not have to take O-level, some schools start teaching General Paper (GP) earlier, at the Secondary 3 or 4 level, in order to give their students a headstart for A-levels. If your child has a solid foundation in English, you may want to consider engaging a JC tutor to teach General Paper to your child, even if they are not yet in JC1.

          Should you Enrol your child in an English Tuition Center or English Home Tuition?

          English tuition Centres in Singapore tend to use a lot of marketing hype, touting ‘scientific’ English teaching techniques and ‘guaranteed results’ in order to attract students. Many Singapore English tuition centres like to publish lists of students who scored distinctions. This list can be lengthy, but does not accurate portray the actual percentage of students who scored a distinction and does not show how long these students have been tutored for and what was their improvement.

          The main factor between deciding whether to enrol in an English tuition centre Singapore or to engage a English home tutor is to consider in which learning environment best suits your child. There are benefits to a group-learning environment, especially for a subject like English. On the other hand, shy students would do better in a private setting.

          Getting an English Tutor from SmileTutor

          The best thing about our English home tutors is that they can sit down with your child in a one-to-one setting to test & identify all the weaknesses and skill gaps that your child has, in order to come up with a personalized plan to improve their English grades. If your child has not yet had a private tutor, it is likely that they have major gaps in their use of the English Language in Singapore, such as excessive Singlish – these can all be fixed with 1-to-1 English tuition which tend to be more ‘focused’ than group tuition.

          No wonder there is an increasing demand for private English tutors in Singapore. But, getting a proficient English tutor is not that easy. This is because an English tutor has a huge range of responsibilities: They teach proper grammar and vocabulary; guide the student to write great essays; explain how to evaluate and tackle challenging comprehension questions; help develop critical thinking; equip the student with the ability to express their unique point of view — and the list goes on…

          SmileTutor can get your child a seasoned English tutor who can help them with all of the above – and much more. At SmileTutor, we specialize in providing experienced English home tutors. There are many advantages to engaging a home tutor, such as flexibility, convenience, and value-for-money. Our English tutor hourly rates start from as low as $25/h, up to $70/h for current MOE school teachers.

          Show More

          We’ll take the frown off and replace it with a smile.

          Begin English tuition at home!

          If you’re done with all the frustration connected with finding the right English tuition for your child…

          Well, the amazing news is – SmileTutor is willing to handle your concerns. You can get an exceptional Physics tutor through us!

          Why English language is crucial

          Singapore’s #1 medium of communication

          From Kindergarten to University, and beyond - English is the sole medium of teaching in Singapore. This makes mastering English a must.

          Key to mastering other subjects

          Many subjects, especially humanities subjects such as Economics, History, Literature, Psychology and Geography requires extensive and logical writing in English.

          Mandatory Exams

          O-Level English and A-Level General Paper (GP) are both compulsory. Without passing these subjects, you cannot move on to a local university.

          Singapore’s #1 medium of communication

          From Kindergarten to University, and beyond - English is the sole medium of teaching in Singapore. This makes mastering English a must.

          Key to mastering other subjects

          Many subjects, especially humanities subjects such as Economics, History, Literature, Psychology and Geography requires extensive and logical writing in English.

          Mandatory Exams

          O-Level English and A-Level General Paper (GP) are both compulsory. Without passing these subjects, you cannot move on to a local university.

          English Language Topics

          • Comprehension
          • Vocabulary
          • Composition
          • Grammar
          • Literature
          • English Conversion
          • Comprehension of challenging non-fiction texts
          • Expository Writing

          Frequently Asked Questions about English Tuition

          How important is English compared to other subjects?

          English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. In 1987, Singapore adopted English as one of the spoken languages taught in our schools. Businesses around the world also use English. It has almost become a necessity to know English when you enter a global workforce.

          This is why English is one of the subjects where your child absolutely cannot fail. Failing English will deprive your child of progression in their educational journey.

          Why is my child struggling so badly in English?

          There are various reasons why children can struggle in English. They can have problems with comprehension, sentence structure, grammar or vocabulary. All of these are linked to one another. If your child has problems understanding English, they might also have problems understanding questions from other subjects like Science.

          If your child comes from a bilingual family which many Singaporeans families are, they may prefer speaking their own mother tongue compared to speaking English. The lack of English language usage will also affect their competence in the subject.

          How can I help my child to improve?

          One of the ways to help your child improve is to make them speak more English. Meaning you will have to participate as well. Encouraging them to read storybooks will also benefit their comprehension as well as learning new vocabulary. Alternatively, engaging a tutor will also aid them in practicing their English. A tutor can help to make sure they have extra practice in the subject after school hours.

          Is English tuition common for primary & secondary school students?

          English tuition Singapore is extremely common for primary and secondary school students. It is one of the most sought-after tuition subjects in Singapore. As I have mentioned previously, English is one of the subjects that students try their best not to fail. It can affect what stream they go to in Secondary School and in order to advance to tertiary education, English is also very important.

          Does Smiletutor provide tutors who can help with General Paper (GP) in JC?

          Yes! At SmileTutor, we do our best to help students achieve their best academic results. Therefore, we have a group of tutors specialising in General Paper. Call us at +65 6266 4475 (9am-8pm daily) to consult us today.

          How do I request for a English tutor?

          Our slogan is “Efficient, effective, and easy” – our goal is to make your process of finding the perfect home tutor for your child as simple and painless as possible.

          There are many avenues for you to request for a English tutor with us and it takes less than 2 minutes to do so. The avenues as listed below:

          - Phone Call: +65 6266 4475 (Mon to Sun 9am-8pm)

          - Website: https://smiletutor.sg/find-tutor/

          - WhatsApp: +65 94504390 (click for shortcut)

          You can also send us a quick email through our contact form at the bottom of the page. Once we have received your enquiry, our coordinators will drop you a call within 1-12 hours.

          Simply take 2 minutes to send us your request now and you can sit back and relax while we source for the perfect tutor for you.

          What are the types of English tutors available?

          To simplify things, we group our tutors into three main tutor categories:

          - Part-Time English Tutors – refers to private English tutors who doing it part-time. Most of the tutors here are still schooling: A-level graduates, Diploma students/graduates, or Undergraduates. To a lesser extent, there are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time and they fall under this category. Part-time tutors are the cheapest option for home tuition in Singapore.

          - Full-Time English Tutors – refers to full-time private English tutors who teach as a profession. Full-time tutors may/may not be university graduates but often have significantly more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes.The actual qualifications and experience of a full-time tutor can vastly differ between individuals, hence so does the tuition rate they command.

          - Ex/Current MOE English School Teachers – refers to ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools. Tutors under this category tend to be the most experienced and qualified in private tutoring and thus command the highest tuition rates. Be prepared to pay a premium in order to engage these teachers successfully.

          How are the tutors assigned to me?

          After making a request via our online platforms (Website, Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp) or via the phone hotline (+65 6266 4475), our Tuition Coordinators will determine the best available tutor based on your stated preferences and will send you recommendations via SMS.

          You can then ask any questions, request to speak with the tutor via conference call, ask for another recommendation or simply confirm the tutor. If you are uncomfortable with any details regarding the newly

          assigned tutor, you can always request for a different tutor. Our Coordinators will ensure that both parties agree on the lesson details and pricing before confirming the lessons.

          Once you have confirmed a suitable tutor, we’ll send you the lesson details via a confirmation email and you can start preparing for your first lesson!

          Can I request for a specific tutor?

          Sure, if you have any tutors in mind, feel free to give us a call at +65 6266 4475 and let us know the information of the English tutor you are looking for. As we have the most extensive database in Singapore, we may be able to find the tutor you are looking for.

          Alternatively, you may view some of our latest available tutors at our ‘View Tutors’ page. From this page you can do some DIY sourcing and indicate your interest directly there. However, do note that the availability of the tutor may not be guaranteed. Our Coordinators will be swift to advice you on the availabilities of the requested tutor and recommend any similar tutors that may be available if needed.

          Can I trust the English tutors provided by SmileTutor?

          In 2019, we introduced Quality Score™ which is our proprietary system that grades over 30,000 tutors based on multiple factors such as profile completeness, recent job acceptance, track records, parent reviews, and more. With this system, we are able to ensure that parents & students are constantly matched with the cream of the crop tutors in Singapore. Since we have introduced this system, the quality of our tutors have improved and our numbers of compliments had increased tremendously.

          SmileTutor treats the credibility of our tutor profiles very seriously. All suspicious tutor applications or profiles with missing information are immediately investigated and blacklisted. For tutees who wish to personally verify their tutor's qualifications and identity, you may request that the tutor bring their relevant certificates on the 1st lesson. (We do not to send online documents due to privacy laws). For current school teachers, it is our SOP to remind tutors to bring teacher's pass on their first lesson as a form of verification to give tutee a peace of mind.

          Why do tutors charge different prices?

          SmileTutor does not dictate tuition rates. Each tutor sets their own prices depending on their qualifications, experience, and many other factors such as student’s level, location, timing etc.

          However, when arranging the tuition for you, our experienced coordinators will ensure that the rates are fair and within market rates. We also conduct negotiation when required to try to reduce lessons fees in order to fit within your budget when necessary.

          You may view the latest tuition rates here.

          Do I have to pay any commission fees?

          Our services are free-of-charge for parents and students. You are only required to pay for lessons conducted. A portion of the total lesson fees usually in the first four weeks of lessons will be allocated to SmileTutor as the agency commission. This is deducted directly from the tutor’s fees, so you do not pay anything extra.

          However, there is a 7% GST imposed on the agency commission.  For example, if you engage a tutor for $50 per class for once a week, the agency commission will be $100. Hence, the GST imposed is $7.  This is only a one-off payment only and from 3rd lesson onward there is no GST since you pay the tutor directly. The tutor's fees are not subjected to GST.

          To facilitate the process for us to collect the agency fees, you are required to cooperate with us by transferring the allocated agency commission (usually 50% of the 1st month fees) + GST directly to SmileTutor. Thereafter, you will pay the remaining lessons to the tutor directly. Our Tuition Coordinators will inform you of the full payment details and instructions upon lesson confirmation.


          How do I pay for lessons?

          In general, the agency commission charged to the tutor is 2-weeks of active lessons. Payment of the agency commission will be made directly to SmileTutor after the completion of a certain number of lessons whereby the lesson fees equal or exceed the agency commission amount.  After you may paid the agency commission, you may pay the tutor directly for subsequent lessons in any method preferred by both parties

          Do take note that our services are completely free for you. By paying directly to SmileTutor, you are merely helping us to facilitate the collection process of the agency commission from the tutor. There are no additional / hidden fees you need to pay other than the mentioned lesson rates.

          We accept various modes of payment including credit/debit card, online transfer, cheque, and cash. Our Coordinators will inform you of the full payment details during your tutor request.

          Example: Client Mary hires Tutor for $60/lesson at 1 lesson per week. The agency commission is $120 (equivalent to 2 lessons). After Tutor has conducted two lessons, Client Mary transfers to SmileTutor $120. Then, from the 3rd lesson onwards, she is to pay Tutor directly. The arrangement made between Mary and the tutor is to pay every 4-lessons via bank transfer.

          Is advance payment needed?

          You do not have to make advance payments of any kind. All payments are made only after the requisite lessons have been conducted.

          Are there any binding contracts?

          There are no contracts and obligations until you agree to engage our tutors. When any assignment is confirmed, there are guidelines to follow to ensure that both the student and tutor can have a smooth and rewarding experience.

          Where are the English tuition lessons conducted?

          The English tutoring lessons will be conducted at a pre-determined location according to your preference (usually at your home). If it is not convenient to have tuition conducted at your home, you may request for the tuition to be conducted somewhere else, such as the tutors home or at a convenient public location such as libraries, cafeterias, hostels, etc.

          The location of the tuition lessons should be determined before the confirmation of lessons. Any change in address after lessons have started is subject to both parties approval

          How are lessons conducted?

          One of the main benefits of private tutoring is that we do not adopt a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Every English tutor has their unique methodology, personality, and teaching style. During the prospecting phase, our coordinators do our due diligence to find out your child’s needs and weakest points in the English subject in order to match the most suitable tutor.

          Usually, the first lesson is a ‘getting to know’ phase, where tutors will gauge your child’s interest in the subject, current level of proficiency, and spot areas of weakness. From the second lesson onwards, tutors will generally be more prepared to conduct the lessons according to the student’s learning or syllabus.

          If you are a more hands-on parent, you can also communicate with the tutor and provide suggestions on which area you’d like the tutor to focus more on (i.e. composition writing). As there are no fixed lesson plans or arrangements, both the clients and tutors are free to discuss and conduct their lessons in any way that benefits the student’s learning.

          Can I postpone lessons dates & timings?

          Yes, of course. However, all postponements of lessons must be made at least 24 hours in advance of lessons, except for special cases (such as medical emergencies).

          For postponement of the first lesson, SmileTutor must be informed via phone call at +65 6266 4475 (Mon to Sun 9am-8pm). A confirmation SMS will be sent to you acknowledging your postponement after the call. However, if you are informing at least 48 hours in advance, an SMS made to +65 9014 4201 will suffice.

          Postponements of lessons after the first lesson may be made directly between tutor and tutee.

          Please note that failure to make a postponement at least 24 hours in advance may incur compensation to the tutor for time loss (e.g wasted trips). Generally, the compensation amount is 50% of 1-lesson fee.

          Can I terminate lessons if the tutor is not suitable?

          You may terminate the tuition at any time after the first lesson but must inform SmileTutor at least 24 hours in advance of the next lesson and must pay for all lessons conducted. Terminations made less than 24 hours before the lesson will incur a late charge of 50% of that lesson’s total fee.

          Termination Procedure

          1. Inform SmileTutor via a phone call to +65 6266 4475 (9am-8pm) at least 24 hours in advance before the next lesson

          2. Pay for lessons conducted, half directly to SmileTutor and WhatsApp the receipt to our Finance Dept. at +65 9450 4390

          3. Pay the other half directly to the tutor

          However, note that once you have confirmed the assignment to book the tutor in quote, there is a binding contract to complete one full lesson and you may only request a change of tutor or terminate the tuition only after that 1st lesson. If you decide to change your mind before the 1st lesson even commenced, the fee for the unfinished first lesson may be charged as an administrative fee.

          Will tutors postpone lessons?

          SmileTutor does not encourage tutors to make frequent postponements to the lessons. However, we do encourage you to offer some degree of flexibility as tutors are also human and may fall sick or have sudden emergencies from time to time.

          If the tutor we assigned to you happen to make postponements more frequently than you prefer, you may wish to communicate with them and remind them to stick to the usual lesson schedule. Sometimes, a simple effort to communicate between both parties can go a long way in avoiding any disruption in lessons or last-minute discrepancies.

          If you face further difficulties with your tutor in this area, please feedback to us immediately and we will arrange a new tutor for you.

          Can my tutor terminate the lessons?

          For termination of lessons, tutors are expected to commit for at least the 4-weeks of tuition. If the tutor backs out of an assignment without a valid reason (e.g. illness) before completing at least 4-weeks of tuition, he/she will not be entitled to receive any tuition fees. i.e. You will only be required to pay 50% of the tuition fees (plus any applicable taxes) directly to the agency.

          Unfortunately, we are unable to force tutors to commit for more than 4-weeks. However, we do encourage responsible behaviour and let our tutors know that they should do their best to commit at least until the end of year exams. Most of our tutors follow through.

          What about adding of subjects or students (e.g siblings)?

          You may wish to try out one subject first and then add more subjects subsequently. Or, when starting the tuition, you may find yourself wanting to increase the frequency of lessons or to engage the same tutor for your other children. In any of these cases, please make your request through the agency in order to stay protected and keep the tutor accountable to the agency.

          SmileTutor is not responsible for any engagements made outside of the agency’s knowledge. Hence, tutors and tutees are expected to inform their coordinators of any added lessons or changes to the lessons schedule/subjects/tutees immediately.

          How do I feedback to SmileTutor regarding my good/bad experience?

          You may email us at Email for any feedback or questions that are not answered under this FAQ.

          For private feedback about the agency service, you may contact Rum (Founder) at 97558257 or email him at Rum Email.

          We appreciate your help in providing us accurate feedback so as to improve our service and system.

          Questions Answered?

          Find Your Tutor Now

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          Why your child needs English tutor in Singapore

          A sound background in use of English language

          A good command of English language can help students of all classes achieve so much more. No wonder students in secondary schools, especially those in the Art Stream are realizing that a strong background in the English language will give them a huge advantage in all their subjects.

          Most parents feel that English is an easy subject and therefore can’t see why they need to invest in a private English tuition Singapore for their kids. They choose instead to focus on more technical subjects such as Science and Math because they feel those subjects are where their child needs tuition.

          This is a costly mistake which may take years before coming to the open. As kids advance, parents often realize that their child is unable to comprehend many things due to the poor background they had in English.

          A strong command of English through excellent private tuition will give your child a huge advantage over their peers not only in their education but for a lifetime!

          SmileTutor, #1 English Tuition Agency

          If you’re looking for a private tuition agency in Singapore that offers quality, convenience, responsive service and the lowest English tuition rates, you’re at the right place. We’ve made it our goal to help parents and students get help in English Language. Our outstanding team of professional English tutors are expertly trained to provide PSLE, A/O-Level English tuition in Singapore. We provide English classes for foreigners in Singapore and English classes for adults in Singapore too. With our easy-to-use tutor request form, find a private English tutor in just a few clicks or via a call.

          As someone interested in setting the right academic and career foundation for your child, you have seen for yourself the numerous features of a good English tuition. We would have you know that English tuition is accessible for everyone!

          And, if your child has concerns with a tutor we assign to them, contact us and we would find a better replacement – at zero cost to you!

          Engage us for a tutor via SmileTutor – your go-to agency – for English tuition

          Get the English edge your child needs through the support of the best English tuition agency in Singapore!