Singapore Home Tuition Rates 2024

Find the best Singapore tutors at affordable tuition rates. Pay only for lessons conducted.


Level / Tutor Experience
Part-Time Tutor

Full-Time Tutor

School Teachers
Pre-School (Nursery, K1-2) $25-35/h $35-45/h $50-60/h
Lower Primary $25-35/h $40-45/h $55-70/h
Upper Primary $30-40/h $45-55/h $60-85/h
Lower Secondary $30-40/h $45-50/h $60-85/h
Upper Secondary $35-45/h $45-60/h $65-95/h
Junior College $50-65/h $70-90/h $100-130/h
IB (Primary Years) $35-45/h $45-55/h ...
IB (Middle Years) $40-55/h $55-80/h ...
IB (Diploma) $55-70/h $70-100/h ...
IGCSE 7-11 $35-55/h $50-90/h ...
Adult Language $35-50/h $50-80/h ...
Diploma/Tertiary/Poly/Uni $60-70/h $80-120/h ...
IELTS/SAT/Others $60-70/h $70-90/h
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SmileTutor Blog Tuition Rates

Why Invest in Home Tuition?

Tuition is not just an expense - it is an investment! One that makes a
difference in your child's success & future. Here's why.


Receive the full attention of a
dedicated private tutor


Tailor to your child's
strengths and weakness


More attention leads to
better results


As your child sees progress,
he gains confidence

Flexible &

Save time and effort. Get tutored
comfortably at home


Keep up with classmates
with regular coaching

Invest in Your Child's Education

Start here

Start Learning Instantly

Our honest and effective coordinator services ensures that your child get matched with a suitable tutor as fast as the same day – it’s really easy to get started

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A Tutor for Every Child

With an extensive database of quality tutors, you can choose a tutor according to your budget and your child’s needs. With part-time, full-time, and school teachers, every child deserves a tutor.


“I want to find a P4 tutor for my child but my budget is only $25/h”


“No worries! We'll take note of your requirements and work around your budget.”


The Support You Need

Our tuition coordinators have years of experience helping parents find the best tutors in Singapore. With the help you need at your fingertips, all you need to do is to reach out to us.


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Pricing FAQs

How much does tuition with SmileTutor cost?

Tuition can cost anywhere between $20/h to $120/h depending on the level and subject you need help with as well as the expertise required. Our tuition rates are competitively priced according to the current market rates.

How do I pay for lessons?

We accept various modes of payment including online transfer, cheque, and cash. Once the agency fee is paid, you may pay the tutors directly in any method preferred by both parties.

What if the tutor is not suitable?

Students’ well-being is our priority – feel free to terminate the tutor anytime if you find the tutor unsuitable. Pay only for lessons conducted.

Do I have to pay any agent fees?

Our services are completely free for parents and students. There are no agency fees except for government-imposed GST.

Are there any contracts?

There are no contracts and obligations until you agree to engage our tutors. When any assignment is confirmed, there are guidelines to follow to ensure that both the student and tutor can have a smooth and rewarding experience.

Why do tutors charge different prices?

We do not decide the rates. Each tutor sets their own prices depending on their qualifications, experience, and many other factors. However, Smiletutor’s experienced coordinators ensures that the rates are always fair and within market rates