Free Test Papers & Exam PapersPri, Sec, JC, IGCSE For Your Free Download 2013-2023 Covered (with Answer Keys)


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#1 Free Test Paper Resource in Singapore

We believe that all students should have easy access to high-quality, updated free exam papers to aid them in their preparations, and this simple luxury should remain free for all. Show More

With this motivation, we set out to compile and create this online resource page to offer free test papers for all students, regardless of levels and subjects, to download their exam preparations.

In addition, we have also dedicated this page to all information related to exam papers, such as:

  • Reasons to do Test Papers
  • Guide to Doing Test Papers
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Articles on Examination and their preparations

We hope that this test paper resource will be incredibly useful in your exam preparations, and we would also love for you to share this resource with other people, who might need it as much as yourself. Likewise, if you have any resources that you’d like us to share on this test paper resource page, you may send to us via our Email. Show Less


Ready to Start Doing Exam Papers?

Select your Level below and download the FREE Test Papers you need now!

Primary School

Subjects Offered

English, Chinese, Higher Chinese, Mathematics, Science


With Papers From

Raffles Girls’ School Methodist Girls’ School Rosyth School Henry Park Primary Ai Tong School …


Secondary School

Subjects Offered

English , Chinese, Higher Chinese Mathematics,  Additional Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Literature, Principles of  Accounting


With Papers From

Anglican High School
Chung Cheng High
Cedar Girls’ Secondary
St Joseph Institution
MOE GCE O’ Levels …


Junior College

Subjects Offered

General Paper, CLL, MLL, TLL , Mathematics Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Literature,
Economics, Geography Art, China Studies


With Papers From

Raffles Institution
Hwa Chong Institution
Victoria Junior College
National Junior College
MOE GCE A’ Levels …


Why Should You Do Past Year Test Papers?

Benefits of Doing Exam Papers

Practice Makes Perfect

Exam papers are great sources of questions to practice your understanding, with the question difficulties ranging from easy to hard

Test Yourself First

Remember how uncomfortable you felt under stressful, time-ticking exam conditions? Adapt to think fast and write faster by doing our mock exam papers, and you may alleviate some of the stress on the actual day!

Know Marking Schemes

Most test papers includes an official marking scheme, which you can scrutinise to memorise the answer keywords, and not miss out on any points, especially for open-ended answers

Recognise Questions

Laziness is a universal habit. Many test papers have repeated questions from past years, and by doing past year exam papers, you will know the answers when the same questions appear again!

Are our Free Test Papers Reliable?

Best of the Best

While we did not produce any of these test papers, we did scan through the ENTIRE Internet looking for the best and most relevant exam test papers, before compiling everything into our website.


Top Institutions

Our test papers are specially curated and only includes the best quality exam papers such as those from the top primary schools in Singapore such as Raffles Girls’ Primary, Nanyang Primary,Ai Tong School, and Rosyth School.


Official Exam Papers

We feature Official National Examinations papers such as IB, O-level, and A-levels which are certified by Cambridge and MOE for free download. Our national exam papers come with complete official answer sheets to enhance your learning experience.


How Do I Use Free Test Papers?

Guide to doing past year test papers for preparations


Always begin with the “easiest” test papers, and strive for completion and perfection. At this stage, you should work on strengthening your fundamentals, and ace “memorisation and regurgitation” questions. Do not be afraid to refer to the answer sheets if you are unsure on how to craft the perfect answers.

Once you are comfortable with answering these questions, slowly inch towards doing mock test papers under exam conditions. When doing mock papers, you are training your mind to think under pressure, and your hand in writing within the short duration. Upon completion, mark your scripts strictly and take note of careless mistakes.

Once you are comfortable with answering these questions, slowly inch towards doing mock test papers under exam conditions. When doing mock papers, you are training your mind to think under pressure, and your hand in writing within the short duration. Upon completion, mark your scripts strictly and take note of careless mistakes.



Reviewing your completed test papers can be as simple as briefly reading through your mistakes, and understanding how you made those mistakes. By analysing your mistakes, you can learn how you fell for these “mistake traps”, and avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

Your unfamiliarity with a certain topic can also be amplified during your review process, especially if you continue to make similar mistakes across multiple test papers. Get a friend or teacher to revisit these topics and work on your answers, but when neither available, tutors may be your best alternative.

Tutors are available to aid your learning by marking and reviewing your papers, and thereafter correct your understanding and answering techniques. With their expertise and experiences, some tutors may even provide you with exam tricks they developed for their past exams.


Bookmark important mistakes and careless mistakes with different coloured highlighters.

Practice your handwriting clarity as some examiners may deduct marks for unclear words during examinations

Allocate less time than the actual exam duration so that you have more time for a thorough check at the end

Some Articles to Help In Your Learning and Examination

Why should Students do Exam Papers?

Past exam papers are becoming a popular resource for many students nowadays, especially those who...

How to use Free Exam Papers?

Many students often ignore the benefits of using past test papers when it comes to...

9 Last-Minute Exam Preparation Tips To Save Your Life

Examinations are an inevitable part of student life and every student will forever dread exam...