How do I register as a tutor?

To register as a tutor, simply use our online form at Please note that the minimum age to apply is 16 years old and you must have completed your GCE ‘O’ level examinations or equivalent.

I'm having trouble registering. Please help!

Please double-check every field on each page of the multi-part registration form, and look out for any fields or error messages highlighted in RED. If you've checked carefully and unable to find anything, please follow these steps:

1. Take a screenshot of video of every page of the registration form

2. WhatsApp to our technical team at +65 97558257

3. Hit the 'Save and Exit' button so you can resume easily later

Why tutor category do I belong to?

To simplify things, we group our tutors into three main tutor categories:

Part-Time Tutors – refers to private tutors who doing it part-time e.g. A-level graduates, diploma students/graduates or university undergraduates. There are also University graduates and working professionals offering tuition part-time. If you are only tutoring part-time and have a main job or school, you are a part-time tutor.

Full-Time Tutors – refers to private tutors who do tutoring full-time (NOT part-time). This means that tutoring is your main source of income and is your main occupation. Full-time tutors have more teaching experiences than part-time tutors as they tutor lots of students 1-to-1 as well as take up jobs in tuition centres teaching groups of students in classes.

Note: If you have a full-time tutor with less than 4 years of experience, please select ‘Part-time tutor’ instead as we do not accept full-time tutors who are too young (e.g 24 years old). You can re-update your profile later on.

Ex/Current School Teachers – refers to full-time ex/current school teachers either from MOE or from private and international schools.

Note: If you were a relief teacher, adjunct teacher, or allied educator teacher, please do NOT select this category. You may select Part-Time Tutor or Full-Time Tutor instead, depending on your current tutoring commitment.


Do I have to upload my photo and my certs?

SmileTutor values the credibility, integrity, and quality of our tutor database. Please upload your certificates in order to support and ascertain the information presented on your profile. By doing so, you will also significantly increase the number of jobs you receive the chances of getting tuition assignments confirmed with us due to Quality Score™.

What is Quality Score™?

In 2019, we have introduced a new system called Quality score™. Our propriety system grades over 30,000 tutors in our database, taking into consideration factors such as:

- Completeness of Profile

- Recent Job Acceptance

- Track Record

- Ratings given by parents

Tutors with high quality score will receive majority of our assignments and will find it very easy to fully book their slots. These tutors are our Star Tutors and will receive special offers and the best assignments.

Conversely, tutors with low quality score will find it hard to get tuition assignments or may not receive any at all. For full information about Quality Score, read here.

Can foreigners register as a tutor?

Please check with the relevant authority whether you are allowed to do freelance work. We are unable to advice on this matter. Relevant authority: Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).

If you have been granted permission to do freelance work in Singapore by the relevant authorities, you are welcome to apply to become a tutor with us at

How do I get tuition assignments?

SmileTutor receives over a hundred new tuition assignments per day and we publish all tuition assignments in our SmileTutor Assignments App (download from iOS or Android Playstore). We send out push notifications via our mobile app primarily. Occasionally, we also send out jobs via SMS/WhatsApp to suitable tutors who have registered with us. If you receive an invitation from us, you may apply directly through the link given to you. Tutors are highly recommended to download our mobile application.

You may also visit our Tuition Assignments page where you can view all our current available assignments and apply from the online portal as well.

What should I do after applying for a tuition assignment?

After you have applied for an assignment, simply wait for up to 72 hours. Usually, if the parent is considering you, we’ll get in touch with you within 2-72 hours. Meanwhile, it is advisable to continue applying for other tuition jobs that has different timeslots.

Also if you have made an application for a job (i.e. via our assignments app), but wish to modify your application, please send us an SMS to +65 90144201.

Why am I not getting responses after applying for several tuition assignments?

There could be several reasons why you are not getting a response or successfully getting an assignment:

1. Applying for assignments that are not available

Due to overwhelming responses from our tutors, our typical window is 2-48 hours before we match the assignment successfully. Try to apply quickly for latest assignments, especially those that are SMSes directly to you.

2. Incomplete/unsatisfactory applications

When applying, please be sure to include the information that is required. Typically, we ask for the job ID, your qualifications, relevant tutoring experience, rates, and available timings. Tutors who reply in full are MUCH more likely to be successful. If you do not apply adequately, it is very likely that you will not receive a reply.

3. Applying for unsuitable assignments

A lot of assignments clearly indicate certain requirements e.g Ex/Current MOE Tutors or female only. If you do not belong that the right category and you apply for it, you will not receive any reply.

4. Low Quality Score

Please read ‘Quality Score’ FAQ under ‘Registration’ Tab. If you have a low quality score it will be very hard to get tuition assignments. The only way around this is to improve your quality score by ensuring profile completeness, staying active by logging in and applying for assignments, and having a good track record.

5. Late response

Your chances of getting selected is higher the earlier you apply for an assignment when it's being posted. New assignments are always marked as 'Urgent'. When you apply for these, the success rate will be much higher.

Why am I not receiving any assignments?

Our system prioritizes tutors according to their Quality Score™. Please look at this page for full details.

If you are using our Assignments app, please check your settings to make sure notifications is not switched off. Additionally, please try to logout and relogin, or try reinstalling/updating the application.

How do I download the SmileTutor Assignments App?

Please go to our information page where you can find the download links for both Android and iOS.

How to get tuition assignments from the mobile app?

There are two ways you can get tuition assignments from the mobile app.

1. Apply from the list of available tuition assignments

We post 100+ new assignments per day. At any time, you will be able to find hundreds of available assignments listed on the app. Do note that the assignments at the top are more urgent, whereas those at the bottom tend to already have applications pending.

2. Push Notifications

We will send push notifications directly to your phone for suitable tuition assignments matching your tutoring preferences. Once you see a notification, please apply as soon as possible to maximize your chance of getting selected.

What happens after I apply for an assignment?

After you have applied for an assignment, the job will be shown under 'Applied Jobs' in the mobile app. You can see the status of the assignment there whether it is pending, cancelled, or confirmed.

If you are confirmed, you will receive a confirmation SMS and email from us.

Can I modify my application once submitted?

Unfortunately, this feature is not available in the app. If you wish to modify your tutor application (for instance timings or rates), please send us an SMS. Our tutor contact number is available in the 'Contact' section of the app.

Please double check your applications before submitting and ensure that you keep your timings available for at least 48 hours after applying, as application success rates are taken into consideration in your Quality Score™, which will affect your ranking in our algorithm (affects the rate you receive job offers from us).

How do I contact SmileTutor about job queries?

If you have any questions about a posted job, please send us an SMS. You can find our contact number in the 'Contact' section of the mobile app.

Can I take a break from tutoring?

Yes, of course! Simply go to 'Contact' section of the app, and toggle the 'Notifications'. You can switch it off and on anytime. Once you switched it off, you will not receive any notifications from us.

You can also disable your tutor profile, but you'll need to contact us when you need to activate it again, so this is not recommended.

How should I conduct my lessons?

You are allowed to conduct your lessons in your own preferred way, in accordance to the student’s needs.

What if I need to purchase materials for the lessons?

Purchase of study materials such as revision books is up to your discretion. If you would like to be reimbursed for any purchases, you should first consult with the tutee before making any purchases as sometimes they may already have the same materials, or they may already have similar materials from school or tuition elsewhere that can be reused.

What is the minimum commitment?

You are expected to commit for at least 4-weeks of tuition. If you back out of an assignment without a valid reason (e.g. illness) before completing at least 4-weeks of tuition, you will not be entitled to receive any tuition fees. i.e. The tutee shall only be required to pay 50% of the tuition fees (plus any applicable taxes) directly to the agency.

For short-term assignments, you are expected to be committed for the length of period as agreed upon (usually until the student’s exams) and fulfil the minimum number of lessons specified.

SmileTutor expects its tutors to uphold integrity and responsibility by being committed to see the students through their exams and not back out for no valid reason. Tutors who show irresponsible or unethical behaviour may be blacklisted without warning. We will review case-by-case and take appropriate action.

Can clients postpone / cancel lessons?

Yes, clients can postpone or cancel lessons, but they will have to pay for all lessons conducted. Currently, we seek clients to notify the agency of any postponements or cancellations at least 24 hours prior to the lesson.

If you were not informed in time of the affected lesson (e.g. < 2 hours), you may stand to claim up to 50% of the lesson fees as Tutor’s Compensation.

Can I postpone / cancel lessons?


For tuition that has been conducted for less than 4 weeks of lessons, tutors are expected to commit lessons at the assigned details. However, if postponements had to be made, we require you to inform us at least 24 hours in advance of the lesson via phone call at +65 6266 4475 (Mon to Sun 9am-8pm).

After the initial 4 weeks, tutors will only need to liaise with their clients to make any changes and postponements in the lessons.

Cancellations (Termination of lessons altogether)

For lessons conducted for less than 4 weeks

You (the tutor) are not allowed to back out of the tuition unless there is a valid excuse (e.g Illness). If the tutor does not provide a valid excuse, the tutor shall not be entitled to any tuition fees. Hence, the client shall only be required to pay 50% of the fees for the lessons conducted directly to the agency.

For lessons conducted for more than 4 weeks

You are free to cancel the tuition (although they are not encouraged to do so). Clients shall be required to pay for all lessons conducted and to pay you directly (after paying the agency commission to the agency).

What if there are changes to lesson frequency or duration?

Q: Adding of subjects or students (e.g siblings)
A: If the parent requests you to teach additional subjects or teach other siblings, you are required to inform the agency of any added lessons immediately. Commission shall apply to the extra subjects/lessons/students, subject to a time limit of 6 months from the original tuition arrangement.

How much is the agency fee?

In general, the tuition fees for the first 2-weeks of active lessons (not the calendar month) is collected as agent commission.

Example: Client Tywin engages tutor A for once per week, at $50/lesson. The agency commission is equivalent to half of 4-lessons = 2 lessons ($100).

Please note that for short-term assignments or special cases, the commission may be different and this will be stated in the job info or communicated to you clearly prior to your acceptance.

How is the agency fee paid?

The agency fee exists as a portion of the lesson fees. Hence, you do not need to make any payments to SmileTutor throughout your tuition assignments.

The commission shall be paid by the client (parent or student) directly to the agency and is due to be paid after completion of X number of lessons by the client (will be stated clearly in the confirmation invoice – generally this will be when the tuition fees is equivalent to the agency commission). Thereafter, you may collect the tuition fees for any subsequent lessons you conducted.

How I am paid for the tuition lessons?

Tutors will not be paid for the first 2 weeks of lessons as these are the commission fees charged by SmileTutor agency on the tutors. The fees for the first 2 weeks of lessons (or 50% of the Total Monthly Fees) are will be made directly to SmileTutor, instead to the tutors.

For subsequent lessons (after the agency commission has been paid), you shall receive payment directly from the client. Since the commission fees have already been collected by SmileTutor, you will be paid the full tuition fees from here on.

Example: After 2 lessons have been completed, client Tywin pays the tuition fees for the 1st and 2nd lesson directly to the agency. Client Tywin then arranges to pay the tutor every subsequent 4 lessons.

Will I be paid in advance?

You will not be paid in advance. All payments are made only after the requisite lessons have been conducted AND after the agency commission is collected.

How will I paid if the lessons were terminated within the 1st month?

If you, the tutor, decides to drop out of the assignment (without a valid reason such as illness backed by evidence) before completing at least 4-weeks of lessons, you are not entitled to receive any tuition fees. Otherwise, the tuition fees will be divided equally between agency and tutor.

Q: What if there are long-term changes to lesson frequency or duration?
A: If the duration or frequency of lessons is not uniform, SmileTutor will determine the commission based on the long-term duration or frequency of lessons. You are required to inform SmileTutor of any long-term changes in the lesson structure. The commission may be adjusted accordingly. Tutors who fail to inform SmileTutor may be blacklisted.

How is the agency fee calculated for short-term assignments?

Short-term assignments are defined by students who only require a fixed number of lessons until a certain exam date (usually less than 8 weeks of lessons). Long-term assignments that are terminated due to various reasons are NOT considered as short-term assignments.

For short-term assignments (a.k.a crash courses) we generally collect 25% of the TOTAL tuition fee but the exact percentages may differ and we will let tutors know beforehand.​​

SmileTutor is committed to protect the welfare of our tutors. For short-term assignments only, our commission shall not exceed 25% of the tutor’s total earnings.

How do I feedback to SmileTutor regarding my good/bad experience?

You may email us at email for any feedback or questions that are not answered under the FAQ and Terms and Conditions. For private feedback about the agency service, you may contact Rum (Co-founder) at 97558257 or email him at Rum Email.

We appreciate your help in providing us accurate feedback so as to improve our service and system.

Questions Answered?

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