Quality Score™

Cultivating excellence in our tutors by rewarding the best

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SmileTutor Blog Quality Score™

Features of Quality Score™

Measure Activity

Active tutors ge more job offers

Track Records

Your lesson success & cancellation rates are traced

Compare Performance

Compares your profile to similar ones to give an appropriate rating

Follow Reviews

Well-reviewed tutors are recognized and rewarded

Isolates Bad Apples

Problematic tutors are automatically blacklisted

Have what it takes to be a great tutor with us?

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“I want to kickstart my tutoring career and need some help finding students”


“Welcome to SmileTutor! I am here to assist you in finding the tuition jobs you need.”


What is Quality Score™

Quality Score™ is our very own proprietary system invented to grade over 50,000 tutors using a unique algorithm which measures a variety of factors – to ensure that excellent tutors are prioritized by our systems and recognized by our coordinators, essentially rewarding them with endless income opportunities and more tuition jobs.

Why we implemented Quality Score™

Quality Score™ is our way of adopting a meritocratic system much like Singapore does. Through the smart system, we are able to reward tutors who work hard and produce results, and weed out the bad ones. Maintaining the integrity and highest standards of our tutor database allows SmileTutor to not just provide the best tutors for students in Singapore, but also to best serve our home tutors.

Moving forward

Quality and excellence will always remain the hallmark of what SmileTutor does. Here’s what you can do to remain in good standing and receive a high score in our database:

Login & update your profile with photos and certificates
Apply and accept jobs from us as often as possible
Give it your best effort when you teach your students